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Type: Posts; User: kate

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  1. Replies

    Guy brought up wedding topic?

    I didnt even bring up the topic but he said he wants just 1 wedding back in his country.
    Then he asked me how many weddings I want.
    I just told him I think it's too early to marry. He had a kinda...
  2. Replies

    what is your ancestry?

    Ex. 50% North African, 50% British & French

    I'm still anxiously waiting on my 23andme results, to see if I'm anything beyond Central African. I think it's likely I'll also be part West African,...
  3. Audition song for Roger and Hammerstein's Cinderella?

    I am a soprano in high school. I need an audition song for Roger and Hammerstein's Cinderella. I need one uptempo song and one ballad to sing. I was thinking It Might as Well be Spring from State...
  4. I'm from Michigan, going on vacation to Florida, what do I pack?!?

    It's like 45 degrees here in Michigan and out in Florida it's apparently in the mid 70's right now. Is it hot there? I don't know what kind of clothes to bring. I've never been there before so I...
  5. Best way to make new friends on the Internet?

    I'm looking for websites where I can make new friends on the Internet. I'm not a child so don't say some kid game, yet don't suggest something for an over 18, thanks > x <
  6. Wondering about worms in dogs and how to get rid of them once and for all!?

    We got our dog (as a rescue) two months ago. He has been to the vet and we have de- wormed him twice ( on the 20th of July and August) with inceptor.

    Today is September tenth and I found a 4 inch...
  7. Replies

    How difficult is it to quit smoking?

    It may sound like a silly question, because of course it is going to be difficult, I accept that! I am really asking: What makes it difficult? What can I use to hopefully make it a little easier?
  8. Pretty celebrities that have lost/are losing some of their beauty?

    I think Lindsay Lohan and Beyonce were much prettier a few years ago. I don't necessarily think it's aging, since they're both still pretty young, but their features seem harsher...
    Do you agree?...
  9. You=FAIL.

  10. You=FAIL.

  11. Replies

    I rather have the internet.

    I rather have the internet.
  12. Replies

    Because white zinfandel is typically considered a...

    Because white zinfandel is typically considered a "non-wine drinker's wine". It doesn't have the characteristics typically attributed to wine. Its sweet, but its more like a juice then wine and if...
  13. Replies

    Because white zinfandel is typically considered a...

    Because white zinfandel is typically considered a "non-wine drinker's wine". It doesn't have the characteristics typically attributed to wine. Its sweet, but its more like a juice then wine and if...
  14. Replies

    Because white zinfandel is typically considered a...

    Because white zinfandel is typically considered a "non-wine drinker's wine". It doesn't have the characteristics typically attributed to wine. Its sweet, but its more like a juice then wine and if...
  15. Replies

    Because white zinfandel is typically considered a...

    Because white zinfandel is typically considered a "non-wine drinker's wine". It doesn't have the characteristics typically attributed to wine. Its sweet, but its more like a juice then wine and if...
  16. Replies

    What are the benefits of colon cleansing?

    Should we opt for natural colon cleanse recipe?
  17. Who was the actress that played Patty in tonight's episode (Mirror Ball) of

    Life on NBC? I'm talking about the redhead who worked at the club. It's driving me crazy.
  18. What cell phone is good for emailing, taking pictures and can hold a decent...

    ...amount of music? Its time for me to get a new phone. My criteria is as follows -
    1) Easy email
    2) Good camera
    3) I have just had my ipod stolen so need my phone to replace it for the time...
  19. Replies

    sounds like a fog machine to me. how else could...

    sounds like a fog machine to me. how else could you give a vehicle the impression of "breath"?
  20. Replies

    Why do I feel like this?

    My older brother Tom left home three years ago to live with his fiance in the philippines they're now married and have a 2 year old and an 11 month old. I had never met his wife although we talk...
  21. Replies

    what is a type of cute little dog?

    my friend is thinking of getting a dog, so i'm trying to help her!
    the thing is, she likes the little tiny cute dogs, and i'm more of a normal dog sized person.
    so can anyone give me any pictures...
  22. Yeah that sounds perfect to me!

    Yeah that sounds perfect to me!
  23. Thread: UGLYness .?

    by kate

    UGLYness .?

    ok so i am realllly ugly, i cant bare to look at myself in the mirror and sometimes when i do i cry of just feel like killing myself i am that hideous. When i talk to people i try to hide my face...
  24. Replies

    No. Champagne can vary from being very sweet to...

    No. Champagne can vary from being very sweet to being very dry. Chardonnay is usually either buttery or appley tasting depending on how the wine was fermented.
  25. Can somebody explain to me what happened on secret life tonight?

    I tuned in right after amy and ricky hugged so what happened before that? Thank You!
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