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Type: Posts; User: Fishy

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  1. Replies

    put it in the paper

    put it in the paper
  2. A Camry wouldn't be much more to fix than a...

    A Camry wouldn't be much more to fix than a domestic but a BMW and Benz are much more in some cases. At my fathers garage I once changed brakes on a 1992 BMW and the brakes themselves cost $75...
  3. Replies

    What is going on, my fish are dying?

    I have a 45 gallon with good water quality but I have an ick outbreak. I turned the temp up to 80 degrees and medicated with malachite green for three days. I did a 50% water change waited a day...
  4. Replies

    cheeze is bad tons of fat

    cheeze is bad

    tons of fat
  5. Replies

    cheeze is bad tons of fat

    cheeze is bad

    tons of fat
  6. Replies

    cheeze is bad tons of fat

    cheeze is bad

    tons of fat
  7. Replies

    cheeze is bad tons of fat

    cheeze is bad

    tons of fat
  8. mustange of course

    mustange of course
  9. Replies

    your in eighth grade dont worry about it, ...

    your in eighth grade dont worry about it,
    sports is not the way you rarely make it, if you take the sports route its more like chasing your dream, it wont be easy

    your in 8th grade of course you...
  10. websites that you hae to put a password in for...

    websites that you hae to put a password in for generally dont work
  11. i want to know a list of fastest breeding fish that will breed in a small tank?

    they can not be cichlids i want a cheap fish that will breed fast and i wont have to do allot for them to breed the babies will be going to a good cause. when i say small tank i mean like 5 gal....
  12. Replies

    what should i name these fish?

    give me a list for each one please. heres some info on them
    bumble bee goby: he is really active and adorable
    brown african cichlid:he is really aggressive but cool
    feather-fin catfish:it is...
  13. i know this sounds stupid but i would like to get my bumblebee goby something for

    christmas? what do they like and if you could give me any ideas that would be awesome. i love all my fish and i already got them all something. exempt for the bumble bee goby. so i would like to know...
  14. Replies

    Questions about iPhone? ?

    Can you record video or sound on it? Can you zoom in on the camera? Can you send a picture in a text message, not just an email?
    THANKS! Please tell me how to do these things, not just yes or no...
  15. Replies

    need help with fresh water needle fish?

    has any one kept these and do they only eat live foods like feeders or do they eat any thing else
  16. Replies

    My Maltese and Yorkie.?

    They fight all the time, well not all time. Sometimes i am confused if it is either playing or fighting. Usually they fight when my mom comes back from work, they love her, so it is like a contest to...
  17. Replies

    Fisshy Problems Click On This?

    I am Fishy a weird, crazy and yet nice. Well I am 12 and a boy i like cooking but is that that to girly.
  18. My Sansa Lil'Monster MP3 Player is freezing up. How Do I reset it?

    My current MP3 play, a Sansa Lil' Monster by Scan-disk, is freezing up when ever I go into some songs. I need to know how to reset it, like and Ipod resets by holding play and menu. I don't want to...
  19. I would tell them about it first, just say, "hey,...

    I would tell them about it first, just say, "hey, your kinda waking me up in the morning, could you keep it down?" or something on those lines and then if they continue to be disruptive, then warn...
  20. My fish looked like dead in the tank but he suddenly started to swim...why?

    I have a tank with one betta, two mollies and two platties. Today I cleaned the tank as I usually do and one of the platties was in the bottom of the tank as he was dead with his head down and stuck...
  21. Replies

    i want a cool fish that is not a betta ?

    please give me some ideas i was thinking a ornate bichar but in petsmart there called dinosaur eels I'm not talking about the dragon goby or maybe an african knife fish would be cool. but give me...
  22. Replies

    LG Shine cell phone features.?

    I am getting the LG Shine in about a day or two. I was reading the reviews and I saw that one person had said you can't change the text message ring-tone. Is this true or was I just reading it wrong?...
  23. i have a jewel cichlid and it has a red throat what type is it and how do i breed it

    please help and i mean when i say breed i mean how to tell the difference male and female
  24. Replies

    Some fish will eat fresh lettuce. :)

    Some fish will eat fresh lettuce.

  25. Can i chinese algae eater be mean and attack other fish if so can it hurt them????

    4 tiger barbs, 1 chinese algae eater, and 1 snail
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