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Type: Posts; User: Diogenes

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  1. Early Christianity was based largely on faith. ...

    Early Christianity was based largely on faith. It did not survive the creation of the Roman Catholic Church and the publication of the Vulgate Bible.

    Losasha -- The Bible is no more the word of...
  2. Replies

    Atheism is the rejection of the superstitions of...

    Atheism is the rejection of the superstitions of our ignorant ancient ancestors, and (possibly) a determined effort to create a rational, forward looking civilization.

    a.) There are no vital...
  3. You'll get little sympathy from this cynical...

    You'll get little sympathy from this cynical atheist. You folks brought this upon yourselves, by choosing to follow the path of ignorant superstition, when you could have chosen a real education and...
  4. Most peaceful? That would be Buddhism, by a...

    Most peaceful? That would be Buddhism, by a country mile.

    There are English translations of the Quran available on the Internet. Try reading the Quran and you will remove all doubt that it is...
  5. Obviously, when you say "light" you don't mean...

    Obviously, when you say "light" you don't mean photons of electromagnetic energy. Can you appreciate that twisting language to suit your purposes renders your opinions completely unintelligible? ...
  6. Replies

    Like you, I am also a heterosexual and I've never...

    Like you, I am also a heterosexual and I've never had the slightest desire to be intimate with another man. Nevertheless, I have had many gay friends and I consider them very fine, humane, and...
  7. "I come, not with peace, but with a sword....

    "I come, not with peace, but with a sword. Nations will rise up against nations. And brother will rise up against brother, and fathers their sons, and mothers their daughters, for my sake". And no, I...
  8. I'm an atheist and want nothing to do with any...

    I'm an atheist and want nothing to do with any form of superstitious religion. I have no gods because I greatly prefer to think for myself and make my own decisions.

    The gods were ancient...
  9. What is the oldest year whose median-powered laptop could realistically

    navigate today's internet? Considering it would need to be able to manage modern streaming video standards and the latest Flash versions and so forth.
  10. Christians have been judging and persecuting the...

    Christians have been judging and persecuting the rest of us for thousands of years. Although they still have a perfect right to their own beliefs, Christians have no right to expect anything like...
  11. John McCain is the next president, and he'll start a draft - how will you dodge

    it for you or your kids? McCain is obviously going to be the next president. Obama is a joke; nobody will vote for a black Muslim socialist. The correct choice, Bob Barr, gets too little media...
  12. Replies

    Oh, lucky you! Quitting ones job is always such...

    Oh, lucky you! Quitting ones job is always such a refreshing experience. emancipation of the soul, speaking spiritually.

    Enjoy it while it lasts.

    Seawater floats my boat, or at least...
  13. The reason the girls are always so ugly is...

    The reason the girls are always so ugly is because all the men who frequent these places are such bastards.
Results 1 to 13 of 13
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