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Type: Posts; User: ABethofFreshAir

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  1. Which decade was the best for professional wrestling? Why?

  2. Which decade was the best for professional wrestling? Why?

  3. Replies

    former Catholic; picked up a bible & lost my...

    former Catholic; picked up a bible & lost my denomination

  4. I wouldn't sleep with a woman until I was a...

    I wouldn't sleep with a woman until I was a friend of hers. I like the aspect of building a friendship before committing to a relationship. With that being said, I would have no reason to believe she...
  5. What does the future hold for The Boogeyman?

    I saw that he returned to competition on ECW to a really weak reaction.
  6. What does the future hold for Stacy Keibler?

    Audrina, I'll remember that the next time someone posts a question about Dwayne Johnson or Hulk Hogan.
    She was a valet, a manager and a participant in many Divas novelties matchs, as well. She...
  7. Are there any other actual wrestlers involved with Hulk Hogan's Celebrity

    Championship Wrestling? The idea seems so corny. I haven't watched.
  8. Who is a bigger legend, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin or Hulk Hogan?

    Please give a detailed answer.
  9. What does the immediate future hold for "The Charismatic Enigma", Jeff Hardy?

    Hateful and disrespectful answers are not appreciated.
  10. Is the WWE building up a future rivalry between John Morrison & Shawn Michaels?

    First was the Degeneration X angle.

    Then for two weeks consecutive Shawn Michaels competed against John Morrison in tag-team action.

    And, then there is the JBL incident from last night. BQ: Do...
  11. Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania 25 ...

    Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania 25

    Contenders: CM Punk, John Morrison, The Brian Kendrick, Shelton Benjamin, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Ricky Ortiz, The Miz
  12. What does the remainder of Triple H's SmackDown future hold?

    I feel that he will likely get drafted back to Raw in 2009. But, I'm curious as to what people see Triple H doing in the present. Will he feud with Vickie Guerrero?
  13. What does the future hold for Natalya Neidhart? + BQ?

    BQ: Why hasn't Natalya become a champion already?
  14. Not really. It just provides a bit of a broader...

    Not really. It just provides a bit of a broader insight into facts related to opinions that I already hold. And, rarely does my opinion change on most things.

    BQ: Only a guess... NYC MSG
  15. Why did the Romans base their own religion on Christianity?

    I'm referring to how Rome turned the corrupted the Hebrew Scriptures and added them to the New Testament.
    **turned and corrupted**
    When Tertullian closed the New Testament canon, he added nothing...
  16. Aren't there a lot of Christian and atheist manipulators on the internet?

    Reiliah, I guess you don't watch MTV.
    Pek, you don't honestly mean there aren't trolls in this section, do you?
  17. Who would win these unlikely TNA vs WWE matches?

    Triple H vs Sting

    AJ Styles vs Jeff Hardy

    Beer Money Inc. vs Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes

    Evan Bourne vs Curry Man

    Samoa Joe vs John Cena
  18. Replies

    John Cena (1) I couldn't care less. I'm not...

    John Cena (1)

    I couldn't care less. I'm not voting. (2)
  19. What was the lamest celebrity appearance of these in the WWE? Why?

    Donald Trump (w/Mr. McMahon)
    Pete Rose (w/Kane)
    William Shatner (w/Jerry "The King" Lawler)
    Mark Cuban (w/Eric Bischoff)
    Busta Rhymes (w/The Rock)
  20. Replies

    Does it ever seem like... WQ?

    The anti-wrestling trolls just want you to waste your points?
    You will not get a best answer?
    Your TC status will be affected?
    Answering them just makes them do it more?

    Who will win the WWE...
  21. What was the best celebrity plug in WWE?

    William Shatner & Jerry "The King" Lawler
    The Rock & Busta Rhymes
    The WWE Divas & Timbaland

    feel free to add your own
  22. Miz & Morrison already seems to have that...

    Miz & Morrison already seems to have that gimmick. He needs something.
  23. Replies

    A wrestling trivia question?

    Name every wrestling superstar, active and in TNA or WWE, that appeared in the motion picture, "Ready to Rumble".
  24. Celebrity Deathmatch part 4. Who would win?

    Flavor Flav vs Lil' Jon
    U2 vs Coldplay
    Lindsay Lohan vs Paris Hilton vs Amy Winehouse vs Mary-Kate Olsen
    Hilary Duff vs Hayden Paniettiere
    Joy Bahar vs Barbara Walters
    Jessica Alba vs Sarah...
  25. Who would you want to see in a "hair vs hair" match in the future?

    Triple H vs MVP
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