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Type: Posts; User: Sarah

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  1. My anti-virus keeps making me lose internet connection?

    I am currently using Kaspersky, every time I go on my laptop for more than 6 minutes the internet connection gets lost and I have to restart the frigging computer for it to work for another 6...
  2. Replies

    Do I have like really bad anxiety??!?

    My fried suggested I have like mega anxiety when I told her all this ever since I was little I have these time periods that last a couple weeks to a month where i have terrible thoughts and see awful...
  3. Whats the best way to start talking to a guy through Facebook?

    So there's like several guys on Facebook I'm friends with and I'm interested in, what should I do to approach/talk to him? If I don't know them that well, what should I start off by saying? I don't...
  4. Replies

    T-Mobile prepaid iPhone users...?

    I'm currently with AT&T and my bill is outrageous. I'm looking for answers from T-Mobile prepaid iPhone users...

    Will iMessage be considered a text that you'll have to pay for, incoming and...
  5. Replies

    I need a diet buddy please?

    im 15, and my problem is i can't control my self! i eat over 1000 calories at night, and if i start eating if can never stop until I'm so bloated. I would like someone preferably in Australia, who we...
  6. Replies

    Home button jammed.. iPhone 4?

    Voice control won't stop turning on and the button is pressing itself it's driving me nuts! Is there a way I can stop the button from working completely or disable coice control! Thank you
  7. Replies

    how do telus family phone plans work ?

    my family is interested in getting one of those promotion "family" plans but im kind of confused. if i have this plan will
    my parents be able to read my texts?
    my parents me able to see who i...
  8. I need a narrative recipe from another culture?

    I can't find recipes for narrative.. Only standard. If you can find one from Asia or Italy... Or any other one except in Canada that would be much appreciated. I really can't find any /:
  9. Where is this picture of a couple kissing on the hood of a car & the girl

    is wearing red converse from!? HELP!? So recently I ran into a picture on TUMBLR of a couple kissing on a car and the girl is wearing red Converse. I know that im not very descriptive, so I'll post a...
  10. Looking for new android rpg game - any suggestions?

    I like and have played bards tale, aralon and ravensword. Don't like online with others games. Any suggestions? Thanks :-)
  11. Replies

    VaudiX programme help?

    when i was watching something from the net it said i have to download VaudiX programme i clicked it but i didnt start doawnloading it so it didnt download. But i said yes when my computer asks can...
  12. Replies

    What does ALT mean in middle school?

    I'm In middle school and next to health it says ALT , someone help! what does it mean?
  13. I'm looking for detailed Harry Potter quizzes on Boggarts, Patronuses, Amortentia

    and the Mirror of Erised? I'm a massive fan of the books + films and I would just really like to know:
    what my Boggart would be (a shape-shifter that takes the form of your worst fear)
    what form my...
  14. Replies

    Do you have rapping skills?

    Would you like to share your gift of rhyme and lyrics?
    ps no biting others you have to come up with your OWN....
    and yes i do realize its...
  15. Which multiracial celebrities are the most aesthetically pleasing to the eye?

    Which ones? They don't have to be A list actors.
  16. How can I get rid of broken-hearted feeling? plz help me?

    I had a bf for 2 years, but we separated and one year I couldnt have a bf. Afterwards, I had other bf for half a year, but he made me suffer a lot and for this reason I didnt want other relationship...
  17. Nero Or Convert I Tried Them Both But I Need To Buy Do You Know Free Ones Please

    HELP? i downloaded both and loads others but i cnt seem to get any for free or without registering do u know any,,i need a product key for convertx
  18. I'm about to sign a note that I'll owe my husband money from future sale of a

    house?Is it binding? The house is in Europe and my husband hasn't helped me pay for it.It's on my name only,but since we were married he had to sign too.I can't afford it much longer, and he has...
  19. Replies

    Gossip Girl on ITV2 . . . ?

    Is Gossip Girl on this week in the UK on ITV2? I couldn't see it in my tv guide, is it the end of the series or is it on a different night?

    Why? That is so annoying! I love Gossip Girl and I...
  20. Replies

    iphone is not making any noises?

    all of my ringers are on high
    the only thing that works is my ipod
    but when someone calls it just vibrates
    and my applications aren't making any noises either
    nothing is turned off,...
  21. Replies


  22. I have a 98 Acura tl. When replacing the front door speakers can I just...

    ...pop off the speaker cover? Can I just pop off the speaker cover or do I have to take off the entire door panel?
  23. Put the lime in the coconut already has answered...

    Put the lime in the coconut already has answered your question.
    If you don't care what God says, then you are asking the wrong question to the wrong people because we do care what God says.
  24. First answer gets 10 points! Fishing Reports for New Smyrna Beach, FL?

    I cannot find ANY new reports for NSB, FL. Anyone have any news? Looking to go surf fishing tomorrow need answers ASAP! First real answer that helps gets 10 points!!
  25. Replies

    Are these supplements worth the money?

    My mom is thinking of buying these but theyre so expensive 140$. From the ingredients listed does it look like are they worth the money? Is there something else she should take instead? to improve...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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