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Type: Posts; User: Granny

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  1. Morality what role do you percieve religion and religious authority to have in moral

    guidance? hi i have 2 questions to do 1.what role do you percieve religion and religious authority to have in moral guidance? and what role do you perceive the state to have in moral guidance? any...
  2. I remember adults complaining about music of my day. Doesnt every generation of

    parents think their kids ? music is too suggestive or violent? I like to listen to what my kids are listening to so I can talk to them about it but hubby gets mad and says its nothing but garbage...
  3. Replies

    Doctor Who , Christmas special 2009?

    does anyone know when , where, or how I would view this? I am a big Doctor Who fan and have been looking forward the 1 of 4 specials that David Tennant is making before he leaves us as the tenth...
  4. They can't justify it as they don't read the...

    They can't justify it as they don't read the bible or they skip over those scriptures. Exodus 20:4,5 is another good one. People have to learn to read, and do research not listen and believe what...
  5. Replies

    Religions essay A fatih community?

    Relgions may be studied objectively but it takes a faith community to form a religious person essay hi i have an essay to do i`ve started off with why religons would be studied objectively but i`m...
  6. Replies

    religion essay a faith community?

    hi i have a religion essay to do the title is religions may be studied objectively but it takes a faith community to form a religous person. i am having major difficulty as how to approach this essay...
  7. hi i have to do a religion essay but i dont know where to start pls help...! the title is called religions ? religion may be studied objectively but it takes a faith community to form a religious person. i know objectively it means to gain a knowledge of the religion...
  8. Who else in Hollywood backs John McCain for President?

    besides Dean Cain (Superman); James Caan (Godfather I and II, Bottle Rocket); Jon Voight (Midnight Cowboy, Deliverance); Robert
    Davi (License to Kill); Lou Ferrigno (The Incredible Hulk); Adam...
  9. Has anyone else noticed that the internet is being scrubbed clean from bad videos of

    Obama? It is getting really hard to find the proof for things I have seen and heard about Obama. Remember when he wouldn't put his hand on his heart for our Pledge of Allegiance? Well, it has been...
  10. Why are the Hollywood elite backing Obama, when he will take so much of their... and give to the poor? It seems a little fishy to me. Do they know something that we don't?

    If they want to give it away, they don't need Obama. Why the secrecy last night at the $28,5000...
  11. Replies

    iphone accessories at HD Accessory?

    Can iphone use accessories from HD Accessory or is there a good site for accessories which is a bit cheaper than apple? I have read that some get messages for not using apple.
  12. Which phone is best, iphone G3, blackjack or blackberry?

    Need a new phone. Not sure which is best. Apple seems more expensive. Any ideas?
  13. Replies

    How many accident claims can you make?

    on car insurance within 4 months before they drop you or raise your rates?A lady said my husband hit her car in a parking lot and her passanger claimed injuries,the police and ambulance came and saw...
  14. I have no idea what you are talking about.

    I have no idea what you are talking about.
  15. They should play that

    They should play that
  16. No, but by today's standards he was too poor.

    No, but by today's standards he was too poor.
  17. Do you think the 9-11 Bombings were a conspiracy with our government involved?

    Everyone should check out the links on Raymond and Robs answers. I had no idea people could be so closed minded.
  18. Everyone would pretend to be tourists. We can...

    Everyone would pretend to be tourists. We can barely afford gas!
  19. I would talk to McCain, because Obama is too...

    I would talk to McCain, because Obama is too almighty to listen to a peon like me.
  20. LOL too cute...she LOVES you! All you can do...

    LOL too cute...she LOVES you!

    All you can do as with any small child is walk away into another room and not give into her screams. Over time she will learn that you are going to come back.
  21. Politics today are very different from Abe...

    Politics today are very different from Abe Lincolns time. He was our only President that didn't buy the election. Polls are unfair, super delegates and electorates are corrupt. Our votes don't even...
  22. Thread: BBC's Dr. Who.?

    by Granny

    BBC's Dr. Who.?

    I love this show. And it makes me wonder why, but i do. Can anyone tell me what happen to Rose. And why she does not travel with the Doctor anymore. I am thinking also the we in the States, see Dr....
  23. Replies

    Cats, scratching loss of fur?

    anyone else's cat have or had this? Went to the vet today, gave him a shot of cortizone, & treatment for mites. What i want to know is, now is this it or will i need to kept going back to the vet?...
  24. If you have lived on your own for one year Why do...

    If you have lived on your own for one year Why do you have to ask permission from your Mum to go and stay with a friend, do you not think that your Mum is trying to control you.??
  25. Will using a DC adapter to charge a laptop hurt it?

    We bought an DC to AC adapter to plug in our laptop on our trip. Does anyone know if it will hurt the laptop?
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