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Type: Posts; User: SM

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  1. Replies

    Which one to buy iphone 5c or Samsung Note 3 ?

    Frnds, i am totally confused on what to buy, i selected iphone 5c first but when i went to show room, Samsung note3 impressed me in all ways, please suggest and if any body uses note 3 pls temme if...
  2. wat kind of things makes the girl's to love boys and hw to apprch the girls in...

    ...the first time of intro 4m othr? reply
  3. Replies

    hahahahahahaha i don't really think you can if...

    hahahahahahaha i don't really think you can if your not a celeb yourself!!! I have the best boyfriend ever hes gorgeous! If i can find one so can you just look harder and not on the tv!!

    sarah x...
  4. can anybody tell me how I can download a movie or a part that is more then 72 min... Mega Video please help.? hi ..i download via real player,most my favorite movie links are from Mega Video but i can,t download full movie or part that is more then 72min..anybody tell me...
  5. Replies

    How do i stop my bike from rusting?

    can u also explain how each method works
    if u have a copy of a diagram showing tht will help
    if not its alight
  6. Selling my boat to a person and "carrying the paper" for the loan?

    I am selling my boat to an individual and he would like to make payments to me instead if getting a loan. I already have a promissory note and a bill of sale. I was wondering if I keep the pink...
  7. Replies

    Is my baby getting enough nutrition? ?

    I am 9 weeks pregnant and I can't eat any thing. I have lost my appetite completely.I eat some fruits like apples, watermelon or oranges but that's it.Any other food just makes me sick and I don't...
  8. Replies

    I Want To Contact A Celebrity .. ?

    I Would Like To Contact A Celebrity But Not Using Fan mail
  9. Replies

    Motorola v9m RAZR texting question?

    is there a way to create longer text messages? It only allows 140 characters and that is really old phone (which was 3 years old) allowed 1000...I find it weird that a fairly new phone...
  10. What I am supose do to with one who loves me and with the one I love?

    I am with someobdy from more then one year. He is a good person, he loves me in his way, but he never talk with me abt our future. He is afraid to get marry, he is different religion and wants me,...
  11. Replies

    htc touch pro help me please?

    hi I am probably going to get the htc touch pro for VeriZon wireless when it comes out for VeriZon in November . I just have some questions about it lol the dpad can u use it to go up and down an...
  12. Replies

    HTC TOUCH PRO help? ?

    I am waiting for the HTC Touch Pro to come out for Verizon Wireless. It says on that it will come out in November 2008. I am pretty excited because it seems like such a great...
  13. Replies

    Is the HTC Touch Pro good for a Teenager?

    What are features that a teenager would use it for? i'm thinking about getting it when it comes out for VZW as the HTC Raphael or w.e. its called *got that name from lol. so yeah! plz...
  14. Replies

    HTC Touch Pro Vs Verizon Voyager?

    what are pros and cons of both? thank you!!
    and which one would you choose and why?
    and the HTC Touch Pro is called HTC Raphael for verizon tht comes out in november supposidly as said on Phone...
  15. Replies

    Verizon Voyager VS Pantech Matrix?

    which is better? i know the touch screen on voyager is goooood lol just wondering what u guys thought
  16. Replies

    Cost of BMW radiator?

    For a 1997 bmw 528i?

    And also the cost of a head gasket if I need that too?
  17. My dash lights are out in my 1993 Infinity J30?

    When I turn on my headlights, dash lights, AC lights and radio lights go out. Can't be a loose wire. Too consistant.
    I replaced the headlight relay not long ago when it was doing the disco at night...
  18. Can you "Religious People" what real contributions religion has given to humanity.?

    Not much, mostly as mind controlling instrument. Just like Iran, with party of God.
    Way to go.
  19. Replies

    Facebook Mobile message question?

    When I get messages sent to my phone, sometimes it is too long so it says (n for next) I try to press "n" and nothing can I see the rest of the message without having to log onto...
  20. I'm 27...why does an 80-year old man want to date me?

    He seems MUCH in his 50's (looks and acts like it) and is very sucessful so what is it that makes SUCH an older guy attracted to a MUCH younger woman?
  21. What do I wear to go on a Labor Day boat cruise on Lake Michigan?

    I am going with a date.....they have cocktails, etc. So do I wear a cocktail dress?

    This is a yacht not a boat so I will be inside.
  22. Replies

    Verizon Voyager In Titanium Questoin?

    What is the difference between this one and the reg voyager? i know the update but what are the differences ? does it ahv the drawing pad? ummm help thanks
  23. Replies

    Verizon Voyager Update?

    The Software update V09
    What are the features you get with updating?
    does it cost money?
    and where / how would i get it updated thanks much!
    I currently have a voyager from december 2007 is when...
  24. i have a psp 4.01 can i create a jigstick memory card? ?

    yeah i unintentionally formated the wrong memory card and now im stuck with 2 memory cards that dont work.. and i need the pandora. is it possible to create the memory card with a 4.01 M33
  25. steam on the stove tip. Microwave steaming kills...

    steam on the stove tip. Microwave steaming kills every nutrient. You can buy a steam basket at Walmart for under 4 dollars. It's the only way i do it.
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