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  1. Anyone ever got married due to a premonition /gut feeling before meeting their...

    ...spouse? I know this sounds weird but i feel certain this person I saw would be a part of my future . I just had this feeling I can't explain yet its so strong . It wasnt physical or anything it...
  2. I think I had a premonition of my future husband?

    I've had many dreams where a few days later maybe even years later it would happen for real. Sometimes I get this gut feeling and it's almost always right. Anyways so several months ago in a random...
  3. I think I had a premonition of my future husband?

    I've had many dreams where a few days later maybe even years later it would happen for real. Sometimes I get this gut feeling and it's almost always right. Anyways so several months ago in a random...
  4. Replies

    my little cousin and I both think it's hilarious!

    my little cousin and I both think it's hilarious!
  5. Replies

    my little cousin and I both think it's hilarious!

    my little cousin and I both think it's hilarious!
  6. Replies

    what do u think of this joke?

    a blonde wants to go horse riding but she has no experience and no one with her but she goes on by herself
    she hops on the horse .the horse gallops fast
    she starts to slip off the horse
    she cannot...
  7. Replies

    Do you have a yard- planting a small garden and...

    Do you have a yard- planting a small garden and growing vegetables can save on any bill.

    I have been shopping at BJ's which is bulk and they have lots of organic vegetables in the frozen section....
  8. Replies

    New phone suggestions...?

    So my phone is completely broken and I need a new one.
    I'm planning on going to get one tomorrow.
    Any suggestions? I have Verizon...

    And I was thinking maybe the Dare...but I'm not sure.
  9. Replies

    go to the vet asap!

    go to the vet asap!
  10. Take some Midol and use a heating pad, it will...

    Take some Midol and use a heating pad, it will help.
  11. Has anyone done this to you when you're standing up?

    like when your standing with most of your weight on one leg have they ever come behind you and hit the back of your knee, of the leg you have your weight on??
  12. I agree you goldfish may get big enough to eat...

    I agree you goldfish may get big enough to eat the frogs whole so it would be safe not to get them or just get seperate 10 gallon
  13. I agree you goldfish may get big enough to eat...

    I agree you goldfish may get big enough to eat the frogs whole so it would be safe not to get them or just get seperate 10 gallon
  14. Replies

    no the newt will attack the betta so I would...

    no the newt will attack the betta so I would suggest getting one or the other
  15. Replies

    no the newt will attack the betta so I would...

    no the newt will attack the betta so I would suggest getting one or the other
  16. Replies

    Am I eligible to donate blood?

    I had a DVT (blood clot) in my leg at the beginning of 07, and was on blood thinning medication (Coumadin) until November 08. I am now taking half an aspirin daily for the rest of my life... which is...
  17. Well I fear the bala sharks may get a bit...

    Well I fear the bala sharks may get a bit tempermental but if they are doing ok for now than I guess it is ok although I would watch the angel
  18. No just your friend and her daughter are counted...

    No just your friend and her daughter are counted as a family
  19. What GMO Foods are FOR sale in Mexico, ready for consumption?

    I know that since march of 2005, Mexico has not allowed Genetically modified maize to be cultivated in Mexico.

    However, GM tomatoes and cotton have been allowed.

    so what GM foods are...
  20. No. Fisg like oscar will eat until they literally...

    No. Fisg like oscar will eat until they literally explode he should only be fed once or twice a day. Extra food turns into ammonia and more waste also turns into ammonia which is not to good for fish.
  21. Replies

    Tempature: 76-82F Lighting: At the maximum 375...

    Tempature: 76-82F
    Lighting: At the maximum 375 watts minimum 225 watts
    Filtering: I recommend AquaClear filters

    One more thing I would get one more x-ray tetra and one more otto
  22. Replies

    -10 Java Ferns -3 Wisterias -4 Java Moss -4...

    -10 Java Ferns
    -3 Wisterias
    -4 Java Moss
    -4 Anubias
    -10 Anarchis

    -2 angelfish
    -3-4 catfish(i'm hoping smaller ones like bristlenose plecos, cories, ottos, ect.)
    -4 killifish
    -6 neon tetras
  23. Can you add jar games to a LG Viewty KU990 to play?

    I want to be able to play games.
    I have a USB cable.
    The phone is a touch screen
  24. Replies

    Thats up to you but don't try to return it you...

    Thats up to you but don't try to return it you wont get all your money back from att... My frends has gone through 8 iphones so good luck!!
  25. 1. like 2. dis 3. who 4. who 5 idc 6 who ...

    1. like
    2. dis
    3. who
    4. who
    5 idc
    6 who

    yeah, i'm clueless
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