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Type: Posts; User: TylerB

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  1. Replies

    good party music for my birthday?

    please name some good songs
  2. 1992 BMW 325i - How to open the convertible (non-electric)?


    I just started driving a 1992 BMW 325i Convertible with a manually opened convertible top, the only problem is, I can't get the top down! I was unfortunate to not get the electrically...
  3. Girls, what do u think are some of the cutest pick up lines?

    i want to ask a girl out but i dont have a car at the time what should i say to her
  4. Need to replace two o2 sensors on Cat Converter for '02 Acura RSX Type - S?

    I need to replace two o2 sensors on the Catalytic Converter on my '02 Acura RSX Type - S. I thought I'd try to get a better deal online than at the dealer. However, I'm not sure exactly what o2...
  5. how can i watch a DVD on my RIPSPEED DV720 while driving.(for passanger)?

    there is a pink handbrake cable, now apparently you can override it, by earthing the wire or looping it or what not.

    now i have no clue how to do any of these.
    any help will be appreciated, as it...
  6. Replies

    Does the samsung rant play youtube videos?

    Does the samsung rant play youtube videos?
  7. Replies

    Probably one with bullets.

    Probably one with bullets.
  8. How do you stop lagging when playing on a gba emulator?

    I am trying to play Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals, and it keeps freezing and it is very annoying, how do you stop the lagging? (Yes, I know playing on an emulator is illegal)
  9. Thread: shaving ?

    by TylerB

    shaving ?

    im in my teens and im starting to shave. im thinking about buying my own electric razor soon.
    But thing is what shaver should i get?

    braun,philips,pannasonic etc
  10. Replies

    What should my weight be?

    I am 14yo and I am 5,9 205 pounds what should my weigh be the avg?
  11. Replies

    Is it gay for 14 y/o boys to figure skate?

    Is it? Cause i'm a 14 year old who wants to figure skate. TELL THE TURUTH. BE REAL.
  12. Replies

    Are PS3's good for traveling in cars?

    Well, I have a PS3 (just got it today) and I was wondering, does anybody use theirs for travel? Like, my mom has a small tv screen in her car and i was wanting to hook it up on a roadtrip down to...
  13. Replies

    ineguality in religions?

    i have a question. why do they allow muslims to prey in class rooms while they arrest little christian girls who prey in class i just don't get it
  14. Replies

    What is that mailman horror movie?

    Whats that horror movie with the creepy looking guy runs over the mailman (or some guy) to get his hat. the psycho is old with a big face, very creepy looking with wide lips...
  15. how do i increase the cypher strength for internet?

    i need my internet bit rate to be 138 but its only 56. how do i ncrease that number??
  16. Replies

    Iphone HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    yea i just bought the Iphone 3G yesterday and it works but then out of no where now i can browse my music and then it will pop back to the main screen for no reason......then ill click on youtube or...
  17. Replies

    umm u may be gay

    umm u may be gay
  18. I just got the Iphone 3g and I love it. It's not...

    I just got the Iphone 3g and I love it. It's not to expensive either it's $199 for and 8gb.. It is an awesome phone it does so many cool things its just great!
  19. what kind of music is danger music? Where ca i find some for my movie?

    im making a movie and i need danger music. im trying to download some but it asks what genre is it so i was just curious what kind of music it is? also does anyone know where i can get some danger...
  20. How do I switch my Tivo from one TV to another TV? ?

    So basically my Tivo is located on one TV and I want to move it to another TV.
    1. Is that possible?
    2. If so, can you give me directions on how to move it?
  21. Replies

    Samsung BlackJacks.......?

    Anyone ever own one or know someone who did? how are they and were they worth the $150?
  22. Replies

    I just got an iphone 3g!?

    I just got an iphone 3g and wat is the best place to get cool application and software! also is there any possible way to watch tv live on it?
  23. Relock your iphone from the 2.1 firmware if its unlocked already. ?

    My iphone is unlocked and i love it but my pixels on my screen are broke.... so i need to take it down to the apple store to fix it. And its unlocked so i need it to be locked so they will fix it...
  24. I'm looking for a free program to record audio without speakers, know one?

    I have Realplayer7 but it doesn't work for everything, only flash players. So I was wondering if anyone knew a program that can record any audio that would play through speakers. I might have seen...
  25. Replies

    my dad has moved back to minnesota.?

    ok ive got a question for ya guys. im 16 years old and my mom and dad got divorced when i was like 2 or 3 and i have 2 sisters and 1 brother form my moms ex husband, my dad used to like fairly close...
Results 1 to 25 of 59
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