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Type: Posts; User: Donald

Search: Search took 0.10 seconds; generated 4 minute(s) ago.

  1. Replies

    Victim of a hit and run. What happens now?

    I was hit while exiting dodger stadium. The other driver was merging into my lane, and knocked off my driver's side mirror. He rolled down the window and asked what I was doing. Then he sped up in...
  2. No credentials are needed to teach a martial art....

    No credentials are needed to teach a martial art.


    Now, ideally, you should be pretty advanced. But there's no requirement. Lloyd Irvin (who runs a big martial arts school in Maryland and...
  3. punk blazer/blazer/casual "smoke jacket" worn by celebrities/musicians?

    been googling black casual blazer and have come up with some nice jackets...but im curious if there is anything you guys recommend.

    price: ~100 or less

    im 16, 5'11, 170lb (muscle)

  4. Do i have to pay to have a new verizon wireless phone activated if i already

    have one? My fiance has verizon. I purchased a new phone for her for christmas. I have att and just have to switch the sim card in a new phone for it to work. verizon evidently doesnt use sim cards....
  5. Replies

    Would I forever more be considered gay ?

    If I tried it just once and decided I didn't like it?
  6. Replies

    help with mercedes benz 81'?

    my left headlight goes on and off and an indicator with 6 dot, 3 on each side surround a circle, comes on, along w/ noise that comes from the engine, anyway i would like to know what that indicator...
  7. How do you get the game roms to work on no$gba?

    the games don't start adn keeps say there's no cartridge.
  8. Replies

    JOKE:Did you see Broke Back Mountain?

    another version.

    A successful rancher died and left everything to his devoted wife.
    She was determined to keep the ranch, but knew very little about
    ranching, so she placed an ad in the...
  9. What do you think about Obama taking a Hawaiian vacation during the election race?

    How seriously is he taking the race. Is he just that arrogant?
  10. Replies

    Should I take my wife fishing with me?

    if she promises to clean the boat when we get home?
  11. When i plug a memory card or a memory stick in my computer it does not work?

    i get a little icon at the bottom of the screen and when i click on it it says quitar hardware de forma segura im in peru so my computer is in spanish can anyone help please
  12. Can someone give me a rap song title cause im a rap artist and im taking song names

    i can make a song with? Thank You
Results 1 to 12 of 12
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