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Type: Posts; User: CobMan151

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  1. How difficult is it to install a lowering kit on a Harley Davidson deuce?

    Is it necessary to take the bike to a dealer (Harley mechanic) or is it possible to do it your self with a little mechanical knowhow? Any Harley guys please advise. Thanx!
  2. How difficult is it to install a lowering kit on a Harley Davidson deuce?

    Is it necessary to take the bike to a dealer (Harley mechanic) or is it possible to do it your self with a little mechanical knowhow? Any Harley guys please advise. Thanx!
  3. Highest possible skill level in Wii bowling?

    I am currently at 2029.... How high does the skill level go? Any Wii experts please advise. Thanx!
  4. 2003 Dodge 3500 wheel center cap (chrome)?

    My Grandfather has a 2003 Dodge 3500 pick-up (4x4 dually). One of his front wheel center caps got broken and I'm looking for a replacement. Problem is, his center caps are chrome and the only ones I...
  5. How will Ford be affected by the GM/Chrysler merge?

    I was just wondering where Ford will stand if this merge happens. I think GM approached Ford a few months ago about a merge and those talks went nowhere... Does that mean Ford is the most financially...
  6. Replies

    What's wrong with my foot?

    For about a year now my right foot has been giving me trouble. It almost feels like my next to smallest toe is "popping out". I mean, the knuckle that attaches my toe to my foot (like the knuckles on...
  7. Replies

    Are GM & Dodge going to merge?

    Are they going to? Also, why didn't Ford go for it? Maybe because GM would hurt them more than help? Thanx for any knowledgeable input.
  8. Is it easier for both people on a tandem bike?

    My wife and I are thinking about buying a tandem bike for exercise. Is it easier to go up hills on a tandem bike compared to each person having their own bike? I think a tandem bike weighs a little...
  9. Replies

    "Unpack" an .iso program with XP?

    I downloaded a program for my father-in-law and it's in a .iso... The instructions for installing it say: 1)Unpack. 2)Burn or mount. 3)Install. What does this mean? I assume "unpack" means to "unzip"...
  10. Replies

    "Jailbroken" iPhone?

    What the heck does it mean to "jailbreak" an iPhone and what does it allow you to do? Thanx!
  11. Replies

    Beer the night before a blood test??

    My wife made me go have a physical (she got 1 too) and she wanted me to have my cholesterol and sugar levels checked too. About 10:00 this morning I had the blood taken. Last night I was sitting here...
  12. 1 iPhone and 4 cell phones on 1 AT&T wireless plan?

    I will be getting an iPhone in a couple weeks and I want to put about 4 regular cell phones on the same plan. Does such a plan exist from AT&T and if so, how much does it cost a month? Nobody that...
  13. Replies

    What are the new iPhone 3G problems?

    I really want to get one of the new IPhone 3G's. I saw on Yahoo that there has been problems with them. That's very unlike Apple... What are the problems and when will they be resolved? Thanx.
  14. Ford Escape PLUG-IN hybrid kit (not Hymotion)?

    A few weeks ago I was on a website that spoke of a kit that converts hybrid cars (Prius and Escape) to plug-in hybrids. It also said this kit would cost about $4,000. I was just looking for that...
  15. Why no electric cars by the big companies yet???

    I saw on the internet that there's a company that makes a kit that turns hybrid cars into plug in hybrids. I think I read those modified hybrids can then go up to 30 or 40 miles on electric power...
  16. Airport Express for more than just iTunes?

    I will be buying an Airport Express so I can play music from my MacBook on my home theater system wirelessly. My question is, can I play audio from the MacBook other than iTunes? For instance, can I...
  17. Bluetooth signal receiver to hook up to home theater system?

    I'm looking for something I'm sure exists, I just cant find it... I need a bluetooth receiver of some kind that I can hook up to my home theater system that will allow me to play music on that home...
Results 1 to 17 of 17
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