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Type: Posts; User: myself

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  1. on facebook how do i hide things i post on peoples walls?

    e.g if i posted something on a friends wall but i didn't want anyone to see it or see that i posted it, can i hide it and if so how do i hide it?
  2. Replies

    Guys Underwear styles????????????????????

    Ummmm.... I went to target and there were like, several styles of underwear. Briefs, Boxer briefs, Trunks, Boxers, Low rise briefs, bikini briefs, and mid rise briefs. There were also different...
  3. Replies

    Yeah, you should be able to.

    Yeah, you should be able to.
  4. boyfriend troubles.......................................... ..........?

    why would boyfriend tell u he wanted u 2 sleepover but then change or avoid it and just go out to eat and what do you do about it
  5. Replies

    Wait, so what exactly is the question???

    Wait, so what exactly is the question???
  6. Replies

    Where can I repair my bike in Glasgow?

    I'm interested in general quality and cheapness... although that goes without saying.
  7. Bipolar and suicidal: I need someone to talk to in the same boat?

    I'm 15 and bipolar (clinically diagnosed by a psychiatrist), and I often have thoughts of suicide. I have genuinely tried to commit suicide several times. My friends are useless to talk to, my...
  8. Bipolar and suicidal: I need someone to talk to in the same boat?

    I'm 15 and bipolar (clinically diagnosed by a psychiatrist), and I often have thoughts of suicide. I have genuinely tried to commit suicide several times. My friends are useless to talk to, my...
  9. Replies

    Depends on your budget...But alpine is pretty...

    Depends on your budget...But alpine is pretty good

    and with a good engine like that your gona need somethin loud to hear the music over the engine haha! I'd prefer the sound of the engine haha!
  10. Do you believe there is a conspiracy set up by the banking cartel and big business

    to have world government? I am starting to think the end game of Globalization is to create a world government and have the world be globalized because of the perceived threats to world security.
  11. I asked this a little while ago "What do I do to have my computer connect to...

    ...internet as soon as it starts up"? I wasn't clear, so I have to clarify: I am on broadband and it is normally connected but I have to "open" it by clicking on an icon to have sites displayed. ...
  12. Friend help, please help me out (please read entirety)?

    Again, please read the entirety before answering the question.

    First of all, I am an 18 year old boy and I want to know, how I can reestablish a friendship that I used to consider really close? By...
  13. How do I get my mom to get me a cell phone?

    I need a cell phone because I have like 10 after-school activities. My grades are really good and I am responsible. I just need to call her to tell her I need a ride or to change plans. Plus, I was...
  14. What do you think of this article stating from intelligence that nuclear weapons...

    ...will be used in the future? Question asked on Saturday Morning, November 22, 2008, it is an AFP article
  15. Do you believe the Mediterranean Union will be successful at

    accomplishing greater harmony between nations? Also, do you believe this is a type of tactic by Europe to have greater influence in the Middle East and North Africa or is it sincere?
  16. Replies

    Only for the owners of shih tzu - ?

    I understood that high temperature is not good for this breed. In the country where I live in the summer temperature can reach 38-40 C. Is it ok for shih tzu or not?
  17. Replies

    wow... that's messed up... can't help u there......

    wow... that's messed up... can't help u there... just screw them.... do what u want...
  18. When do you believe genetics will be fully mapped out for humans and

    genetics learned to be manipulated? Once the genetics are mapped out completely and we find ways to manipulate genes that have harmful effects to the body, then we could virtually change the human...
  19. How did the US turn from being the greatest creditor nation in the world

    to the greatest debtor nation ever?
    Please star if you find interesting.
  20. Do you believe that the Central Banking Cartel will safeguard its members,

    is the US not allowed to fall? It appears to me that the Central Banks have set up something like a super state with all of the big economies included as allies to each other (the central bankers are...
  21. Replies

    Definitely! There's been ashes flying all around...

    Definitely! There's been ashes flying all around me. The fires are in Brea and PV.
  22. Replies

    How can I conduct a hydro tropism project?

    For my science project I'm conducting a series of tropism projects: photo, thigmo, geo, and hydro. The problem is, I don't know how to conduct the hydro tropism project (directional growth response...
  23. Agree or disagree: The middle East is living in 1500-1600s Europe mentality

    with modern technology today? The awakening is starting in the Middle East but the culture is still filled with dictators and empire building.
    The conquering of huge parts of Africa is similar to...
  24. Replies

    2006 Hyundai Needs Brakes?

    How many miles should the average car go before it needs brakes? I went for a 30,000 mile check up on my car and the dealer called to tell me that the "tech" said I should have my brakes replaced...
  25. Agree or disagree: The middle East is living in 1500-1600s Europe mentality

    with modern technology today? The awakening is starting in the Middle East but the culture is still filled with dictators and empire building.
    The conquering of huge parts of Africa is similar to...
Results 1 to 25 of 87
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