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Type: Posts; User: Red

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  1. 3D applications (Maya, Mudbox) freeze when pressing modifier keys. (Shift, Ctrl,...

    ...Alt)? When I am using Maya or Mudbox, whenever i press either shift, alt, or control, the application freezes. If I release the button it will turn back to normal, but if i don't it lag my mouse...
  2. Can a dell bluetooth module be used in non dell computers?

    I have one of those dell bluetooth modules +card readers in a dell computer. I tried transferring it to a new computer. (it hooked in via usb on the motherboard) yet it doesn't seem to want to...
  3. Replies

    Ha..he's nothing like JFK or Lincoln.

    Ha..he's nothing like JFK or Lincoln.
  4. Replies

    go back to the gym

    go back to the gym
  5. Is this a healthy and worthwhile workout routine?

    Every other day I start off with 2 sets of 30 push-ups, immediately after that I do 3 sets of 8 reps of 40lb. dumbbell curls followed by 4 sets of 30 push-ups. Thanks.
    I have a long walk to class...
  6. yes ask the company. also maybe ask your...

    yes ask the company. also maybe ask your dispatcher. my late husband took me with when he worked for werner and swift. BUT, if they have a no ride along policy and you are caught, your job may be...
  7. "... war has an all-embracing impact on a child's...

    "... war has an all-embracing impact on a child's development, on his attitudes, his experiences of human relations, his moral norms and his outlook on life. Facing armed violence on a continuous...
  8. Replies

    Ford F 150 wiring diagram?

    I need a wiring diagram for a 1987 Ford F 150 so i can put my spark plugs back in
  9. What would you do if you suddenly realized that you and your spouse had

    different ideas of your future?
    And you and your spouse talk extensively, but still don't see eye to eye about where you'd want to be five or ten years from the present.
  10. Saying their name shows you remember them and...

    Saying their name shows you remember them and it's the polite thing to do.
  11. Replies

    You should be able to get it at petsmart or any...

    You should be able to get it at petsmart or any other pet shop.
  12. Replies

    You should be able to get it at petsmart or any...

    You should be able to get it at petsmart or any other pet shop.
  13. how many miles is it from lincoln neberska to cheyenne wyoming?

    my brother is traveling and needs to know how many miles it will take?
  14. umm sorry but in all of these at least half your...

    umm sorry but in all of these at least half your face is cut off so i cant tell (get better pics...)
  15. I had knee surgey and I have a rash from what appears to be from the idone anyone...

    ...have any ideas what to put i? what can I put on the rash to stop it from iching and leaking
  16. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the most) how much patient interaction do

    diagnostic medical sonographers do? I guess that questions didn't much sense (I had limited amout of character-use). So how much patient interaction do DMS have?
  17. Honey, you aren't bipolar as far as I can tell. ...

    Honey, you aren't bipolar as far as I can tell. Are you going to a professional and get a diagnosis?
    Do it!

    Bipolar is when the left side of the brain is not separated from the right side of the...
  18. Replies

    Sony was aways so stupid.They don't know nothing...

    Sony was aways so stupid.They don't know nothing they copy everything from Nintendo but aways failed the only ones who got a ps3 were the fanboys.

    Something else that is as stupid as Sony are the...
  19. Can i create a motor bike from a 115 volt electric dryer engine?

    I was wondering if this was possible to do without it going dangerous speeds or blowing up on me and what i could possibly do for it to work.
  20. Dry eye, astigmatism, allergic reaction to any...

    Dry eye, astigmatism, allergic reaction to any meds, foods, allergens, ETC....

    Honestly it could be anything. Have her rinse her eyes out with warm/cold running water. Also If you have city...
  21. Well if you just now started your period and you...

    Well if you just now started your period and you took it a week ago theres your problem.

    Your always suppost to wait until your done with your period is done with, and then take your birth...
  22. Replies

    LMMFAO!! Yeah that'sa typical guy for you. ...

    LMMFAO!! Yeah that'sa typical guy for you.

    But seriously no it's not normal and he needs to get on a steady sleeping plan. Most doctors will recomend sleeping at 10:00pm and waking up at...
  23. Replies

    UTI, Pregnancy, Infedctions, Cancers, It all...

    UTI, Pregnancy, Infedctions, Cancers, It all depends on what else your symptoms are. definatly take a pregnancy test tho, and try to get into the doctor for a real test sometime soon.

  24. Replies

    Pearl is more obsorbant and more confertable. ...

    Pearl is more obsorbant and more confertable. Playtex is just a normal tampon with a diffrent name.

  25. Replies

    Beverly Hills 9021 Fans & Y&R Fans?

    I was watching a Beverly Hills 9021 re-run which had Steve's 2 younger brothers in it. I know the one younger brother is a Spelling boy but the other one I could have sworn was Greg Rikaart (Kevin)...
Results 1 to 25 of 139
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