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Type: Posts; User: Georgia

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  1. Replies

    My iPad won't update?

    So, I know iOS7 has come out (my iPhone has been updated), but my iPad (the first version) says the software is up to date. I have rebooted it, restored it and updated iTunes. Nothing is working....
  2. Replies

    Good tv shows??!!!!!?

    Hi i am waiting for teen wolf to come out in january and i am also waiting for season 3 of wolfblood which will be out around september 2014. I want to know what other shows are good to watch while...
  3. Replies

    How to introduce rabbits?

    I have two rabbits I've had for a few years and they are sisters and have never been separated all their life but I have got a new rabbit a few months ago and I want to put them all together but I...
  4. Who are the celebrity guests at the Macy's thanks giving day parade 2013?

    Who are the celebrities/performer guests at this years Macy's thanksgiving parade or when will they be announced?
  5. how does whether the sound are diegetic and non-diegetic sounds help target

    either a male or female audience? wierd question i don;t understand that is in my english coursework :(

    please help :)
  6. Replies

    how about: patch chalky tiger

    how about:
  7. Replies

    What is a good family vehicle?

    Unfortunately I am going to need to purchase another car. My old one's just about had it. I have 2 kids and often have to drive their friends around too. So, I was thinking of upgrading in size...
  8. Nope bbz Joe aint gay..x Hope i helped..x

    Nope bbz Joe aint gay..x

    Hope i helped..x
  9. Replies

    Please Girls Help!!!!?

    ok this is embarassing so here i go. Know there are two wholes on your vagina one which is the big whole were the tampon goes and another little one on a lump at the top of the vagina. Now which...
  10. Where can I buy a red hunting hat like Holden's in Catcher in the Rye? :)?

    online is fine..

    try this website
    it lists the animals in the canadian boreal forest and a breif description of each one
  12. Replies

    Dog that resembles a fox?

    help please:)
    i've seen the breed 2x now and its gorgeous, once on holiday in Finland and also on the tv show 'Braniac:science abuse'.
    i know its NOT a Pomeranian,its head is larger but not much...
  13. scarlett johansson...

    scarlett johansson

    cristina scabbia

  14. where can i find a gothic short story on the internet? (that i can read...

    ...there and then)? for my homework i need to find a gothic short story and bring it in, i have no idea why, but i need to. but i cant seem to find a SHORT gothic story anywhere that i can read and...
  15. What should tire pressure be on front & back Dunlop elite 3 on a Honda VTX 1800c?

    It does not say on the tire and the manual gives the pressure for the tires that came stock on the bike. Also, if you know this, where did you get your info. I think I remember someone saying 35 psi...
  16. Replies

    tokio hotel

    tokio hotel
  17. Is there a law dealng w/ the # of days before a rx can be picked up frm...

    ...pharmcy for a controlled substance? For example, If you have a prescription for a controlled substance, some pharmacies will let them be picked up anywhere from 2-4 days before you are out of...
  18. What is involved with meeting with a florist?

    My mom and I are going to set up appointments to meet with florists for the first time. I have no idea what to expect. What usually happens?

    We really only need bouquets; the church is already...
  19. i am a pet store employee and its really annoying...

    i am a pet store employee and its really annoying when they have gotten the wrong info from somewhere else. then you have to explain everything (but that is a good thing coz you are giving them the...
  20. can the hatch strut on an 85 crx si be replaced with one from a newer model?

    if so which one will fit? the 1985 crx si needs hatch struts. when we got the car it only had one and it had to be adjusted to keep it open. now the piece that held it open has broken so it doesn't...
  21. Will parts from a 1989 honda crx dx interchange with a 1991 crx hf?

    We just bought the '91 crx hf. The engine was swapped to a jdm d15b soch vtec.The clutch has also been swapped and is difficult to use for city driving. We can get a 1989 crx dx that is only good for...
  22. Replies

    What's your idea of a perfect vacation?

    Best answer ten points!
  23. Can Lyme Disease be misdiagnosed as Ulcerative Colitis?

    I was diagnosed with Colitis five years ago. Every Colitis medication that has been given to me has not worked for me (Asacol, Colazal, Dipentum, Lialda and Remicade) and makes me sick even in very...
  24. What would be your idea of a dream vacation.?

    Were would you like to go . Imagine you had all the money you need to travel in any place in any part of the world.
Results 1 to 24 of 25
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