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Type: Posts; User: Dark

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  1. Is it alright to accept God and Jesus, but not accept the religion?

    Like Christianity, Catholicism, Mormonism, and all the other religions that believe in God and Jesus. I'd just rather not be part of a religion that would poison my mind and control me. Because I...
  2. What religion is the least violent and least condemning?

    Anyone know?
    Christianity? But Christianity is so condemning.
  3. CODWAW, when i try to enter a server on internet it says Code_post_gfx_mp.ff is

    diff from the server... Help? What does this mean???? please
  4. Why is it that my stomach hurts sorta badly after I eat?

    If I don't eat for a long time and then suddenly eat, my stomach starts to hurt sorta bad afterwards. The pain goes away after a while, but does anyone know why this happens?
  5. My Linksys Wireless router says connected but i have no internet?

    Hello, i have a linksys router and i am connected to it. The problem is I have no internet. The connection says Excellent and the Status says Connected. When i have a wired connection the internet...
  6. Is San Disk 8GB Micro SDHC compatible with Verizon Chocolate VX8550?

    I just bought the phone and i want to know of someone who already tried this Micro card THX
    Have anybody tried it, if someone has please let me know the results
  7. Do you know where to find europe saturn roms?

    specifically, I'm looking for Grandia(E) for Sega Saturn. If you know any good sites that you think would have it, help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  8. Is San Disk 8GB Micro SDHC compatible with Verizon Chocolate VX8550?

    I just bought the phone and i want to know of someone who already tried this Micro card THX
    Have anybody tried it, if someone has please let me know the results
  9. Is SanDisk Micro SDHC compatible with Verizon Chocholate VX8550?

    In the box it says that it is compatible with up to 4GB Micro SD memory card but if someone ever tried the SDHC 8GB card please let me know if it works thanks
  10. how do i transfer songs to my lg scoop using bluetooth on my computer?

    i tried to transfer but it said error something on the computer and didn't go through
  11. Replies

    Can I wear these contacts?

    I have 13.8 diameter and 8.6 base curve perfect match! My prescription is -3 in my left eye and -3.25 in my right eye and I wear focus dailies.

  12. does any1 noe know the required files to play a disc inside the ps2?? and

    if they were nice enough to tell me? i bought this "ps2 game" from a foreign country, and when i came back to try out the game "gta:vice city" , my ps2 says please insert a ps2 disc so i wanted to...
  13. How do doctors know wich pill is right for you? (zovia 1/35)?

    I'm 17 and my period is very irregular, so my doctor prescribed me Zovia 1/35. I asked her about the side effects, she said the only serious one is stroke. And she also said it will help my acne....
  14. If Limewire is illegal, how come it hasn't been removed from the internet yet?

    Whoever is in charge of the internet has had years to do it.
  15. Replies

    I might be anorexic????

    Oh this is scary when I went to take a shower I noticed that I was skinny... and really skinny and it's not even funny I'M NOT JOKING!!! I measured me all around and the circumfrence of my waist is...
Results 1 to 15 of 15
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