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Type: Posts; User: tBASHt

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  1. POLL: How many deodorant you've received as a gift so far?

    are they trying to give a hint on you?
  2. Does anyone have any idea on what i can add to my introduction to my essay, please help i am about to just giv

    Mankind has always been dependent on machines. Without machines, our life would be very much harder. Humans have invented machines of various shapes and sizes. There are some machines that only...
  3. what would be a good introduction to a speech about the sun?

    The sun has been thought to be many things throughout history in romania it was thought to be a young man whos face was so bright it lightened the earth. In indian mythology the sun was seen as a red...
  4. what would be a good introduction to a speech about the sun?

    That is pretty good. Perhaps"In the winter we dream about it, in the summer we complain about. It is vital to our very existence. It is the sun..."
  5. Replies

    why should you eat a salad before a meal?

    b/c salad is healthy and it will fill you up with healthy things instead of pigging out totally on the meal, that would make you consume more fat.
  6. Replies

    English help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    to make a good introduction you have to write your topic then write the things you learned from that articleThen write like First.................... at the dots you write the first thing you learned...
  7. Replies

    essay conclusion please?

    “Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance”. << this is my introduction sentence. what should my "good, strong," final conclusion sentence be, based on this? essay topic: women feel...
  8. Which gender do you think is the pickiest when it comes to looks of the opposite sex?

    Women...we are not easy to please
  9. Would you look at your boss's Blackberry if they left it on their desk??

    uuuummm. NO
  10. Replies

    are you at work or home? sick or vacation?

    Well I am at home. I have been very sick lately due to my lovely preganancy!! Hehe Luckily I have stopped work and am able to go running to my toilet insted of the employee toilets!
  11. What would be a better vacation spot for 19 year olds who want a beach and dance clubs. Miami or San Diego?

  12. Question about contagious rat respitory diseases?

    Two months ago, I had a female rat who died of a respitory problem. She lived in a blue cage with a blue bed. This Sunday, my friend left on vacation and left her rat Kira with me. Kira was very...
  13. Replies

    what do you do when you feel?

    - I know what you're going through, Sadly.My last relationship didn't last for five years, but it lasted a little over a year and we were with each other Constantly. We broke up last month, so it's...
  14. Replies

    Is Divorce the answer?

    a communication gap may be there.however, some person does not care the feelings of others.
  15. Replies

    is he not into me?

    He didn't actually shoot you down, he gave a non-committal "Not no, but not yes," he was still processing the idea. Now he brought up the ex to open up the discussion and get feelers for your...
  16. Replies

    he broke my heart and i feel so sad now?

    It's ok, he may be just scared you don't like him or he's a real jerk.He's an idiot for doing that.He may just be weird and a player.~Good Luck~!:]
  17. Sandals Employees or frequent guests of Sandals, please help!?

    I love the Sandals in Ocho Rios and Dunns River. Ocho Rios has great food, a nice spa and a relaxing beach. There are many option on suites and they are all nice. The staff is wonderful and Ocho Rios...
  18. Replies

    Best Friend Troubles?

    honestly I would just tell your friend that you would like this weekend to be a girl weekend without guys getting in the way of that. If she is truly your best friend she should be able to...
  19. Replies

    friend problem, please help?

    Hi, i feel sorry for you, something similar has happened to meI think that you should ask them both somehow, get them together and tell them how you feel...that your not upset that you didn't go with...
  20. Replies

    friend problem, please help?

    when they get back from the trip, get them together and ask what they did over the weekend! then say how was your trip? but dont sound to mean when you say it! so good luck!
  21. Yuck. My wife has been plotting a divorce! Is this a fair deal?

    So that 12 sandwich eating gravy slurping pig of a cheating sow of a wife has been plotting a divorce huh? well hopefully u took my advice and put some cash away and contacted a lawyer from out of...
  22. Yuck. My wife has been plotting a divorce! Is this a fair deal?

    Why would you want to stay with someone who hooked up with any wal-mart employee?take the loft and kids and get the hell outta there.
  23. Do you think Hillary make a honest misspoke?

    No. I called the Clintons liars before this election process ever began this year. This so called misspoke doesn't even surprise me. Those folks are crooked and are not to be trusted.
  24. where did you hear that?

    where did you hear that?
  25. Thread: Disney Rumors?

    by tBASHt

    haha, are you talking about the subliminal...

    haha, are you talking about the subliminal messages found in the disney movies?
Results 1 to 25 of 25
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