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Type: Posts; User: JP

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  1. Why do my car audio tweeters make a loud "pop" sound when my sub woofers hit...

    ...hard or low notes? I've ruled out the possibility of the tweeters being pushed too hard by playing the stereo at the same volume level with the sub woofers on and off. Popping only occurs when the...
  2. Replies

    Do ho's like it when I pull in the new Rarri?

    Living like John Gotti
  3. Replies

    i think im being used help?

    i think im getting used by my mom, well i know i am. i got a job and a couple months after my mom wants me to go buy a tv with her, we didn't really need a tv but i agreed, so that used up quite a...
  4. If you want to earn more, do what it takes to get...

    If you want to earn more, do what it takes to get there.
  5. My favorite part of your question is where you...

    My favorite part of your question is where you say "fewer taxes for such largess." As though all good things come from the government, and we should be grateful for all they give us.
  6. Replies

    Good workout plan for Chest / Triceps day?

    Ive been going to the gym for a while but want a decent workout plan for each time i go to keep track of what i should be doing etc. Also please can you include something like what exercises to do...
  7. What antenna adapter is needed for a 2000 buick lesabre?

    I am trying to install an aftermarket cd player in my 2000 buick lesabre. What antenna adapter will I need to buy? Also is it only the make of the car that determines what adapter you need? To put...
  8. Replies

    it's healthy rich in omega-3s....

    it's healthy rich in omega-3s.
  9. Whenever mormonism comes up as a subject in this...

    Whenever mormonism comes up as a subject in this forum it is jumped on by two parties.

    People who have read the writings of Joseph Smith and defend them.

    People who irregardless of what the...
  10. Start a pot of water heating to boil the pasta,...

    Start a pot of water heating to boil the pasta, once it begins to boil, add pasta and cook until al dente (kinda soft, ready to eat) drain and set aside. Cut up the sausage and brown in a skillet,...
  11. no All religions are different and their...

    All religions are different and their teachings are different which brings different results.
  12. Replies

    Brake loss on frigid mornings?

    I own a 2002 Nissan Altima when I first go to start the car on very cold mornings I start the engine and put my foot on the brake pedal put it into gear and the pedal is higher than normal and have...
  13. We have not changed we still believe what Joseph...

    We have not changed we still believe what Joseph Smith started teaching in 1830, the reason your LDS friends have not heard of the beliefs you outlined is because they aren't things that we have ever...
  14. Satan, duh

    Satan, duh
  15. How do I get my Philips VLounge to record audio with the video from my Webcam?

    I just bought a Philips webcam it doesn't come with a built in microphone so I am using a separate headphone/microphone. The philips vlounge software came from the CD in the packaging.
  16. If people can't get paid for making movies they...

    If people can't get paid for making movies they won't make 'em anymore. The same is true, but to a lesser degree, with music. Be fair to the artists you appreciate. Don't steal their stuff.
  17. what is different between digital radio tuning and digital radio? ?

    I see a lot of clock radios with FM digital tuner, is this different from digital radio?
  18. What is the best/your favourite ONLINE RPG that is available for the Xbox 360...

    ...and why? This includes old games.
  19. Funny you mention the down payment option. My...

    Funny you mention the down payment option. My now wife and I, after her parents gave us the choice of using money left by her grandfather for a wedding or a down payment on a house, we used it for a...
  20. Replies

    Share files and folders w/ XP and Vista ?

    I have a home network which consist of 3 desktop, and wireless laptop
    1.98 se. ed. Desktop
    a)Workgroup: “SAME NAME” b) Computer name: pittsedition
    2.XP desktop
    a)Workgroup: “SAME NAME” b)...
  21. Recommended tire pressure for a 2006 Dodge Ram?

    I have an '06 Dodge Ram 2500 Mega-Cab. I checked the door frame for the recommended cold tire pressure and it says 50psi (front) 70 psi (back). This is the MAX pressur I assume, but no other...
  22. My God, you're absolutely right. We should...

    My God, you're absolutely right. We should accept Obama and everything he says and does without question for the next four years, because he is without blemish or sin.
  23. I have xp, 98 2nd.ed., vista desktop; and vista laptop all network with modem and

    router, need to share files? All 4 units have the same name and work gprup name, I just need a step by step direction to share files and folders.
  24. Replies

    how do you download music to a cell phone?

    nokia 5310
    how to retrieve music files
  25. Replies

    Why is my stool Green?

    My poo has been green for about a week now, what is this?
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