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Type: Posts; User: brandy

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  1. My roommate has a problem with stinky feet...?

    What should I do? She's a good friend and I don't want to tell her directly, but I can't live with the smell! She does not even notice it! :(
  2. Replies

    It definitely can be. The worst is for young...

    It definitely can be. The worst is for young people and young teenagers who aren't aware of the dangers out there.
  3. My doctor said an exercise bike and treadmill are...

    My doctor said an exercise bike and treadmill are fine - especially early in the pregnancy. If you were very active before getting pregnant, you should stay active during your pregnancy. It will make...
  4. Why on earth would you want to keep all those...

    Why on earth would you want to keep all those messages in your Inbox and Sent boxes anyway? Just delete some of them and you will have no more problems. That is cheaper than buying a new phone...
  5. It's fourth gear high in the engine.

    It's fourth gear high in the engine.
  6. Replies

    Are you on any kind of medication? Sometimes...

    Are you on any kind of medication? Sometimes hallucinations will occur because of that. If you aren't then you probably need to see a psychiatrist. If you're on drugs, get off of them and see if...
  7. Replies

    Are you on any kind of medication? Sometimes...

    Are you on any kind of medication? Sometimes hallucinations will occur because of that. If you aren't then you probably need to see a psychiatrist. If you're on drugs, get off of them and see if...
  8. Replies

    Cards with candy cane on them to wish them Merry...

    Cards with candy cane on them to wish them Merry Christmas and happy New Year. Make cute bows around the candy.
  9. Replies

    Can you pick up an old Doritos Bag for me?

    I'm doing my project on the history of chips and I need a picture of an old doritos bag. So..can you get me a picture? My project is amazing, isn't it?
  10. Replies

    Chocolate Bar lovers....?

    I am allergic to peanuts and I know most chocolate bars that don't have peanuts in it is made on the same assembly line because it will say so on the package to worn those like me who are allergic to...
  11. Cam'Da'Man

  12. will ipod touches be on sale on boxing day?

    i really want an i pod touch but its kinda expensive so i was wondering do they go on sale on boxing day if so how much do u think they would be if now the 8 g is $230???
  13. Replies

    I have a sick goldfish!!!?

    I just Got a gold fish a week ago for my daughter, Now it is very lathargic and leaning on its side.. It is barely moving and has labored breathing.. She is only 6, and crushed.. Any ideas? Cures? or...
  14. Replies

    If you are trying to reactivate it on a post pay...

    If you are trying to reactivate it on a post pay acct it has to be disconnected for at least 6 months before they will do it..
  15. Can you complain for the overcharge of the restaurant receipt after u paid for it?

    We had a dinner with one of the Japanese restaurant and my husband overlooked they overcharge us for 1 extra dinner. I found it out after 2 days before i throw the receipt... can you complain for...
  16. I feel that it is fine as long as you trust him....

    I feel that it is fine as long as you trust him. Guys need time alone too. He will think you are such a cool girlfriend if you let him do things like that. Just as long as it doesn't become a habit.
  17. Why are homosexuals so mistrusting of bisexuals?

    I don't get it. If I'm dating you, and you're also a woman, you can be assured I love you and respect you and am completely turned on by you. To imply anything else would be a huge disrespect to me...
  18. Replies

    Saga holiday to South Africa 3 November?

    Is there any single person going on this holiday tour of the South African Garden Route from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth leaving from Heathrow T1 on 3rd November.
  19. My truck stalls when I down gear , especially when coming to a stop?

    I just bought a 1998 Dodge Dakota, V6 Manual transmission Truck. The original owner told me it was doing this, but it didn't seem to be a major concern, I took it to a repair shop after purchasing it...
  20. Replies

    How do I use a game crack?

    I downloaded the game and mounted it, but it still wants an activation code. How do I use the crack? when i try it says required package missing.
  21. Replies

    a fantasy story,help me!!?

    I'm doing this story that includes friends,romance,adventure, and a little magic.

    I decided to do magic because its easier to write and your imgainations work better.

    Anyways, here's my prob,...
  22. Would an 08 vw rabbit stereo fit into an 03 jetta?

    i want to buy this on ebay
  23. Replies

    jeep wrangler not shifting into gear!?!?!?

    I have a 2005 jeep wrangler, automatic, 36,000 miles. This AM on my way to work it would not shift into gear. I put my foot on the brake and the shifter slid from park right down to 1st gear. It...
  24. What do you think of Tiffany Pollard on VH1's New York Goes Hollywood??

    This women is shocking!! I bet it's fake...what do you think??
    I agree, it IS hilarious to watch!
  25. Can you say anti-Semite? I am not even Jewish and...

    Can you say anti-Semite? I am not even Jewish and I am offended by this rediculous question. Someone sounds paranoid.
Results 1 to 25 of 37
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