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Type: Posts; User: Neko

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  1. Replies

    Bluetooth keyboards with USB plug?

    Do Bluetooth keyboards usually come with a USB plug?(or whatever it's called) Thanks!
  2. Why internet will work for one laptop but not the other?

    both are hooked up to the same network. The internet works with one while the other cant connect. Both have the same network keys and whatnot. So why won't the other connect?
    - there is no button on...
  3. maximum volume is 120dB

    maximum volume is 120dB
  4. Replies

    NFC north predictions.....?

    any predictions on the NFC north???

    my guess is the packers, bears, and vikings all end 8-8, but the packers having the better divisional record go to the playoffs
  5. mma would dominate anyday anytime of the week.......

    mma would dominate anyday anytime of the week.... cuase most martial arts is all on feet attack... as soon as that fight goes to the ground against a mma "master" he will jus ground and pound his...
  6. Replies

    The Future of Limb Transplant?

    I was wondering if limb transplant has been looked into. If look at Medicine, you can find we transplant just about anything, even the mighty heart and lungs. However you never hear about any...
  7. Replies

    when was the liberty bell cracked??

    my friend wants to know and i wont tell her (shes a retard JK no just silly)
  8. Replies

    only if your wireless router is set up to record...

    only if your wireless router is set up to record use. otherwise, they'd have to get to your touch when you're not looking to see where you've been.
  9. How do I nicely tell members of my family to leave me alone?

    I'm bored, so I decided to ask a question!


    My aunt and my cousin sent me this stupid forward e-mail (something about shaken baby syndrome) and they should have known it wasn't a very...
  10. How do you add photos to layers in photoshop cs3?

    I've been trying to create something on photoshop cs3 and im not too skilled with it, i was wondering how to put images in layers. As in there can be 3 images in separate layers but it'll all be one...
  11. Who would be the issuing officer signing my work permit if I'm on summer...

    ...vacation and school is closed? I'm about to go on summer vacation and I have a work permit. But I plan on getting a job while on vacation. If I get hired who would sign my permit as an issuing...
Results 1 to 11 of 11
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