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Type: Posts; User: Zane

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  1. Does anyone know the Access Point settings on Symbian for orange?

    I need the Access Point settings for my Nokia 5230 which is locked to the Orange UK network. If anyone could provide me with some settings I would be very grateful. I currently have no settings I...
  2. What is a pushrod induction tube on the 5.7L Hemi?

    I read about the Chrysler 300C and Dodge Charger with the 5.7L Hemi having something called a "pushrod induction tube" that 'pushes and pulls' air into the induction area. What is this and how does...
  3. Why does Hollywood always introduce most of the movies packed with sex scenes ?

    Just came across my mind. sex scenes now are nearly like the bottom layer in most of the movies, and if you ask me, its a super cheap way to attract more audience. what you guys/girls think ? kissing...
  4. Replies

    How can I use RCA headphones with my SDTV?

    I have a Sanyo SDTV in my room but there is no headphone jack on this tv, but there is two RCA audio jacks in the front. (my headphones connect via 3.5mm)

    So I bought a "3.5mm 1/8 Female Jack to...
  5. Replies

    refurbished iphone 3G ?

    does anyone know where to get a refurbished iphone 3G ?? I heard AT&T were gearing up to put them on sale but there's nothing indicating so on their website.
  6. why isnt my computer reading my dvd drive all of a sudden?

    the led lights up 4 a sec but its not responding
    when i open''my computer''it doesnt show that its there i replaced w/ another cd rw drive....still doesnt work
    its gettiung power but doesnt...
  7. I have a Creative Zen and i recently had to reset it, but ......rebuilding?

    but now whenever i turn it on it goes the the rebuilding screen and freezes.
  8. Replies

    where to get iphone 3G *unlocked*?

    Is there a way that I can get my hands on brand new iphone 3G then unlock it??
    I mean a way that I can get it *unactivated* or something like that?
    Actually I live out the states but my father...
  9. Are you using a hub instead of a router? Using a...

    Are you using a hub instead of a router? Using a hub divides the BW between all computers hooked to it, a router will give the computer what its asking for. Or at least to my knowledge.
  10. Replies

    I am worried about my sister what do i do?

    her best friend died and her boyfriend is trying to help her open up and tell how she feels but he isn't getting anywhere. she hates therapists and she doesn't want to "burden" our parents. is there...
  11. how do i send pix to a sprint phone if i only know their phone #?

    the phone cant send but only receive multimedia pix

    does sprint have a certain address?
  12. Replies

    The best keyboard for touch typing?

    I use touch typing,
    What is the most suitable comfortable keyboard you recommend me ?
  13. how do you restart all the settings on a t-mobile dash, like get rid of

    txts,pics,ect and back to default mode i have a t-mobile dash
    and i want to get rid of all the texts/pics ect
    and ive had it sicne december and haven't deleted any messages since. it messes up...
  14. Song played on Rob & Big: Meaty goes to Hollywood?

    When Meaty is at his photoshoot for the dog food, they play a rap song that goes "you know i'm acting bad. I'm here to let you know. I do it for the hood". Whats the name and artist of that song?
  15. Thread: iMate Vs HTC?

    by Zane

    iMate Vs HTC?

    Some friend is not sure which one to get :
    iMate ultimate 9502
    HTC advantage x7501
    Which one do you suggest ?
Results 1 to 15 of 15
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