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Type: Posts; User: noel

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  1. what is the best place in chicago to trade in a lg optimus v?

    i have an old lg optimus v which is still in good condition but does not have the box or charger and i wanted to either sell it or trade it in for a better phone. what is the best place to do this?
  2. Replies

    What's wrong with Facebook?

    I don't know. Is it only me or does someone else have this problem?
  3. Replies

    Sony Ericsson help please?

    I have the Snoy Ericsson W580i and when I plugit in to my computer and press file transfer nothing happens! How do I get my pic onto my cpu?
  4. Can speakers in a 1998 Grand Marquis drain power from the stereo and cause bad...

    ...sound? ? just put in new, really nice speakers.
    but it still sounds the same.
    could the stereo not powerful enough to supply the speakers?
    or do i need a new antenna?
  5. Which is most excellent POS Software to use for Restaurant with PDA Order...

    ...Facility without any limitations? Hello,

    I am a Restaurant owner from Switzerland. Currently I am using XYZ Software for my restaurant. And this is not as good and easy to use as I thought....
  6. Which is most excellent POS Software to use for Restaurant with PDA Order...

    ...Facility without any limitations? Hello,

    I am a Restaurant owner from Switzerland. Currently I am using XYZ Software for my restaurant. And this is not as good and easy to use as I thought....
  7. Which is most excellent POS Software to use for Restaurant with PDA Order...

    ...Facility without any limitations? Hello,

    I am a Restaurant owner from Switzerland. Currently I am using XYZ Software for my restaurant. And this is not as good and easy to use as I thought....
  8. Replies

    I need help with dinner!?

    i do not have much but here is what i have:

    In the fridge:
  9. Satellite Pc Box from A Scam?

    Can Any One Tell Me If This Is Real Or Just Another Scam..
    :: Satellite Pc Box Company::
  10. Replies

    Can a scream hurt my newborns ears?

    My baby was on my lap, and I was so exhausted and I had no idea what she wanted. She is 21 days old. I screamed. Not at her but in the air. It startled my husband, and she went quiet. I feel sooo...
  11. i need help for my vacation homework speech project?

    this is what my vacation says-(Speaking/Demonstration Speech=this must be something that you will be able to show and tell the class how to do.You may not demonstrate how to fold paper to make any...
  12. Replies

    a little bit confussed?

    I haven't had a period in 3 months I have taken a few tests at home and they have been negative but I know of other people who have never had a possitive pee test even if it wasn't taken too early...
  13. what is the most popular gay internet community for teens?

    gay networks. like myspace but for gay teens
  14. Replies

    What are good girl hasmter names?

    I am getting a Teddy Bear Hamster on Friday or Saturday. I am getting a boy or girl it just depends which teddy bear hamster i like the best. I already know what I am naming the boy which will be Max...
  15. Anybody know any good babysitting games on the computer, ds, or gameboy? ?

    Not Kindergarten, eccky, nanny/babysitting mania, my virtual baby, imagine babies/babysitters, or baby pals
  16. Replies

    Which Hamster? Which Gender?

    Which hamster should I get a Panda bear or a teddy bear, I like panda bears hamsters because they are cute, and I like the teddy bear hamsters because they are fluffy.

    Which Gender should I get?...
  17. Satellite TV for PC Elite Edition - Real or a Scam?

    I want to buy satellite tv for pc elite edition 2008, Everybody please advises me, real or a scam?

  18. Why can't I get my autosignature to work on my razr?

    I believe it is a v3m.
    I got to messages --> options --> inbox setup --> mms message setup --> composing mms --> autosignature

    When i enter my autosignature, it does not make an autosignature on...
  19. What are the best books teaching music theory?

    I've been playing the alto saxophone for a few years, and I'd like to learn more about reading and composing music in general. In short, I'd like to have a more in depth knowledge of music (scales,...
  20. I have downloaded fring on my Nokia N95, its not working, my web browser is

    working normal, ? I have downloaded fring on my Nokia N95, its not working, my web browser is working normal, ?
    but fring is not at all, for some reason it cant connect to the network that I have...
  21. run a disk clean-up

    run a disk clean-up
  22. which celebrity do u hate the most n y?which celebrity do u like n Y??

    because i hate no1 n i like every 1
  23. how do i know if my neighbor has a sound amplifier to spy on conversations?

    and if they do, how can i block this amplifier..with some kind of static or something??
  24. do we need to specify introduction ,conclusion etc in case study?

    do we need to write the title intro ,conclusion etc while writing the case study?what makes case study different from project???
  25. If I uninstall att yahoo how can I reinstall it?

    When I click on my att yahoo icon nothing happens
Results 1 to 25 of 25
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