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Type: Posts; User: Gabriela

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  1. Replies

    just realize that it really isn't about you. she...

    just realize that it really isn't about you. she feels the need to gossip because there is something wrong with her, not with you. ignore and move on.
  2. Replies

    the rumor springs from the fact that he used to...

    the rumor springs from the fact that he used to share a bed with a man. but in those times that was fairly normal and had nothing to do with sexual preference, just with saving money and sharing...
  3. In Mexico both are acceptable... I think we use...

    In Mexico both are acceptable... I think we use more the word "internet" because in all of the written articles about it do not translate that word!
  4. it was a constant struggle between the vatican...

    it was a constant struggle between the vatican and kings. ultimately the church proved more politically apt, go figure.
  5. why would that change anything. living longer...

    why would that change anything. living longer does not make you less afraid to die. you will still look for answers.
  6. Ella _MANTENDRA_______ una actitud positiva en...

    Ella _MANTENDRA_______ una actitud positiva en todo lo que haga. (mantener)

    The second one is correct.
  7. never felt guilty about who i was sexually...

    never felt guilty about who i was sexually attracted to. finally fell in love with a man.
  8. Replies

    What is wrong with my husbands eyes?

    His eyes are always red, and has a brown tint to the white part of the eye. On his lower lid he has a "pimple" like thing, and he has another embedded "pimple" like thing on the inside of his bottom...
  9. How much does a 2008 Bentley Continental GT Wide body by Premier4509 cost?

    How much does the new Bentley cost?

    ~2008 Bentley Continental GT Wide body by Premier4509
  10. Replies

    easy poll: what kind of dog do you have?

    i have a cocker spaniel
  11. Why the yearly vacation days in Ca are just a few? (10-11-13..?)?

    Hello, I was planning my vacation and I realized that the vacation in Canada is so petite comparing to the rest of the world. What would be the explanation for such a difference? I asked and was told...
  12. Replies

    beach trip with a guy?

    im not yet dating this guy (im 14 he's 16) - but he has been over at the house and met my family a few times and he has the intention of asking me out shortly. he invited me to spend the day at the...
  13. Replies

    beach trip with this guy?

    im not yet dating this guy (im 14 he's 16) - but he has been over at the house and met my family a few times and he has the intention of asking me out shortly. he invited me to spend the day at the...
  14. Replies

    twilight series?

    theres this song called all i have by the veronicas listen 2 it.
    dont u think it fits New Moon and kinda,almost,not so really Eclipse?

    Here's another...
Results 1 to 14 of 14
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