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Type: Posts; User: answer

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  1. Replies

    sitting backwards on toilet?

    I know this might sound a little weird but i just wanted to know if any of you ever sat backwards on the toilet and took a crap? I done it before but just wanted 2 know if any of you did it. please...
  2. If winners write history, do loosers write the future?

    I sure hope so
  3. Replies

    where can i get audio books?

    is there anywhere i can download books online safley and for free
  4. Replies

    What's wrong with my computer/Internet?

    Just recently, whenever a page loads on the Internet, the screen looks like it's ripped in multiple places. But when I highlight the page, the "rips" go away. Does anybody know what might be the...
  5. Replies

    I'm planning on getting an Iphone 3g?

    I have a contract with tmobile that isn't going to be up anytime soon. If I buy it unlocked will I be able to have it with tmobile? Also, will I be able to use the internet and all the other...
  6. Is there a store around NYC with kittens for sale at reasonable pricing?

    I am desperately looking for a red kitten. So far I was only able to find a shelter with only older and/or sick cats or stores with kittens for over $1,000. Please share your reference. Thanks!
  7. i have a problem with the heating in my honda crx?

    when i turn on the heat in my crx i just blows out air
    as we are approaching the winter months
    this is no small problem
    so if any one has any past experience or any helpful ideas
  8. What do you think about this Scream 4 idea?

    I just watched scream 3 today and i had an idea of what the next "scream" movie should be. It should be about movie remakes. A new group of teen students from a small town talks about how sorry or...
  9. Isn''t taht incest pronzz?

    Isn''t taht incest pronzz?
  10. Replies

    Who has the best pick-up line?

    my favorite is
    "do you have a pen & paper? i need to write somthing down."
    then write down your number hand it to her
  11. Replies

    Who has the best pick-up line?

    Who has the best pick-up line?
    my favorite is
    "do you have a pen & paper? i need to write somthing down."
    then write down your number hand it to her
    2 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.
  12. who owns the internet. Who am I buying domain from?

    The same indians that I bought my land in Alabama from?
  13. one more guess that song game before i go to bed?

    for those of you just joining us. ive been posting snipits of song lyrics and your job is to submit the names of all the songs, all the aritists, and even the albums if you can. Ill be using less...
  14. Replies

    how do i get a longer penis?

    i am 15 and wants to noe of any FREE methods to get a longer and bigger penis. anything you have tryed and does it work?
  15. does the toshiba satellite A100 lap top come with built in bluetooth?

    if it does i cant get it to work plze help
  16. Does the American Idol results show start at 9:00 next week?

    I've heard rumors that it starts later.
Results 1 to 16 of 16
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