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Type: Posts; User: Brandon

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  1. Replies

    Anyone heard any good jokes lately?

    Im really bored and want a good laugh so if someone wants to tell a funny joke id appreciate it. Best joke imo gets top answer!
  2. What voice chat program will work with overwolf?

    Me and a friend are trying to record ourselves playing some games, but we can't hear each other when we record. We're currently using skype, and we aren't having any luck. We just need to know what...
  3. Replies

    Why am I having tornado dreams?

    For about a week straight I have been having dreams about tornadoes. In every dream there would be thousands of them. Sometimes they would come from the sky, but other times right out of the ceiling...
  4. Replies

    Bluetooth headset not working?

    I have a P311 Artic Bluetooth Headset (only had them for a few months), and I was using them for my ps3. My friends starting complaining about some noise so I went to where I could hear my own...
  5. Bluetooth headset built-in microphone stopped working?

    I have a P311 Artic Bluetooth Headset (only had them for a few months), and I was using them for my PS3. My friends starting complaining about some noise so I went to where I could hear my own...
  6. Replies

    Found relay, but where is horn switch?

    where is the horn switch on a 1970 monte carlo, i bought books and there is no info., there is no power from the harness to the horn.
  7. You should have got a boyfriend that wasnt like...

    You should have got a boyfriend that wasnt like that
  8. Is there an iPhone application that will allow me to chat to my Yahoo! buddies?

    I'm looking for something like a Yahoo! Messenger application that will allow me to chat to my contacts on Yahoo!.
  9. Replies

    what is a good dirt bike for under $1000?

    what is a good dirt bike for under $1000? that's basically it, any suggestions. just need it for fun not racing or anything.
  10. '08 honda civic si coupe or acura rsx type s?

    im planning on buying a car but i cannot make a decision between honda si or an rsx type s.
  11. Replies

    A Secret!

    A Secret!
  12. ok my dad is in a koma. not in good condition, can he hear me? he seems to

    move as a response but not the dr.? he has been there since 2/10/09, the dr. said it could take weeks to months, he fell down 12 steps, broke his sternum a couple ribs, fractured his skull straight...
  13. Replies

    how to get along with family?

    going home for reading break and i havent talked to my family for along time we dont really get along, we hardly ever talk anymore, i want to have a good week with them, what can i do?, i mean me...
  14. Replies

    Music on my samsung alias?

    how come when i put music on my phone the time triples? the Song could be like 3:54 and on my phone it will say 30:54???
  15. Where should I take my SUV to get the A/C repaired?

    I'm in Tulsa, so try to name a big name repair chain that might be in the area.
  16. I would get a norco bike norco recks treks

    I would get a norco bike norco recks treks
  17. How do i start getting along with my family?

    I havent been very nice to my mom and i want to start i think im more mature now, and same with my sister we dont get along, also me and my aunty dont get along at all it seems like i have distanced...
  18. What? I watch the wwe

    What? I watch the wwe
  19. are hollister and abercrombie t's too cheap to be worn with like true...

    ...religions,william rast, or seven jeans? i was juust wondering because abercrombie and hollister is like cheaap and like true r and the other jeans are so expensive but theyre the only kinda jeans...
  20. How many inches wide is a 125 gallon fish tank?

    I'm buying a 125 gallon fish tank and I need to know the measurements of it for I can find a place to put it.
  21. Replies

    not really i guess, i mean most girls do get...

    not really i guess, i mean most girls do get dressed up no matter who they are hanging with.
  22. That is a bad@ss song man. One of my favorites....

    That is a bad@ss song man. One of my favorites. New Metallica SUCKS! Their old 80s stuff is where its at! And yea, it would be a good change from Motorhead, since I never liked them much to begin...
  23. That is a bad@ss song man. One of my favorites....

    That is a bad@ss song man. One of my favorites. New Metallica SUCKS! Their old 80s stuff is where its at! And yea, it would be a good change from Motorhead, since I never liked them much to begin...
  24. No there isnt. They cant prove it is a choice but...

    No there isnt. They cant prove it is a choice but many researchers have proven that it is not a choice and it is not a lifestyle, its just who we are as people.

    For ex: Your height is...
  25. Sexuality is a choice... Being homosexuality...

    Sexuality is a choice... Being homosexuality isn't a disorder. I'm straight, and I don't believe that people are born 'gay' or 'lesbian'. That's scientifically incorrect, unless from a disorder, but...
Results 1 to 25 of 340
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