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Type: Posts; User: Clevernickname

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  1. So to summarize what your counselor said "You are...

    So to summarize what your counselor said "You are gay and this means you cannot join the wrestling team" ?

    That doesn't seem right. How did he know you were gay? Anyway, go to your principal, your...
  2. Replies

    A question about Religion?

    (I just read an ED article about this yesterday, so bear with me. Or bare with me.)

    A group of people believe in something that is not real. They worship it. It's a work of fiction but they have...
  3. Replies

    If they moved the Bible from Non-Fiction to...

    If they moved the Bible from Non-Fiction to Fiction, that would help pave the road for a more peaceful co-existence. Also, Religion has to stop tromping on Science' toes every time they try and do...
  4. Replies

    Anybody with a Rogers Voicemail?

    I've got kind-of a weird situation. I have the Rogers Voicemail; it came with a black box that plugs into the wall, and the phone plugs into it. There's no buttons, it's just a box.

    I get a lot of...
  5. YA is a breeding ground for Proletarians and the...

    YA is a breeding ground for Proletarians and the Disabled. I'm sure the people who will be quote-un-quote "leading" us in the future are off studying or doing something more productive.

  6. Replies

    Marty Sue ?

    For some reason I'm writing a HP fan-fiction. But I've read all these insults on encylopedia dramatica and I'm trying to make a character that is -entertaining. -not a Marty Sue. What do you think:
  7. Sydney's mom is dead before Scream 1 starts. She...

    Sydney's mom is dead before Scream 1 starts. She is not hiding or hiding any secrets because she is dead.

    However, she was having an affair with Sydney's boyfriend's dad, so Sydney's boyfriend...
  8. Replies

    There's this Wolverine game that's fun. The plot...

    There's this Wolverine game that's fun. The plot sucks, but it's a good button-masher.

    Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion are also good. There's an RPG-type Mario-Luigi game, forget what it's...
  9. Replies

    There's this Wolverine game that's fun. The plot...

    There's this Wolverine game that's fun. The plot sucks, but it's a good button-masher.

    Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion are also good. There's an RPG-type Mario-Luigi game, forget what it's...
  10. Replies

    Error Trying to Play MP4?

    I keep getting an error every time I try to load an MP4 on my Laptop:
    "Error -2002: a bad public movie atom was found in the movie (movie_title.mp4)"

    What does this mean? The sound plays on...
  11. Replies

    What's wrong with my phone?

    I've got Rogers Internet and Phone, but I can't get the phone working. I went to dial a number today, but I forgot the area code and the robot told me to hang up. I did, but then I couldn't get a...
  12. Replies

    Unfixable ?

    A lot of people in Mental Health tell the Asker to seek help, find a therapist, call 911, etc.

    Main question: Does that mean everybody is fixable? There is a chance for everyone to live a happy...
  13. It's a tasty snack made from fruit extract that...

    It's a tasty snack made from fruit extract that is pressed onto a slice of wax paper. The paper is then diced at even intervals and rolled up before being packaged and sold to children.

    It's a...
  14. Have you seen 'Fido'? It's original. Instead of...

    Have you seen 'Fido'? It's original. Instead of your standard 'Kill everything' zombie movie, this one takes place in a small 50s town where they have domesticated the zombies into butlers and...
  15. Replies

    What would you do ?

    What would you do if you were trapped in a situation you hate, and you don't know how to get out of it?

    You need to do it yourself; no help from friends or family.
Results 1 to 15 of 16
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