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Type: Posts; User: Parker

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  1. Replies

    What is that rap song?

    this has been driving me insane. it came out like early 2000 or 1999 or something, and was very popular on MTV, and all i can remember from the song is that in the video the lyrics were on the bottom...
  2. Can't Decide. Lexus SC400, or Nissan 300zx?

    I am given a choice between a 1995 nissan 300zx (n/a) red w/ black interior, or a 1994 Lexus SC400 white w/ tan interior. Both cars have about the same mileage; about 5,000 apart. I think the Lexus...
  3. Replies

    My Car Is Faster Then Yours!!!!!!?

    I got a mitsubishi eclipse gsx and its fast!!!!!!!

    here are the mods

    -20g turbo delta wastegate upgraded turbo, yeah!!
    -racing chip
    -blow off valve
    -apexi air filter
    -inter cooler
  4. Replies

    Question about Shih Tzu puppies?

    How can you tell the gender of a shih tzu puppy? I was told she was female by someone, but was also told she was male She lifts her leg to pee, so it makes me wonder. She is about a month and a...
  5. !!!!!!!!!!who Has Played Cod World At War For Xbox 360?!!!!!!!?

    should i buy it?
    how good are the graphics?
    is it better the cod modern war?
    or should i rent it first?
  6. Can eating too much of a healthy food still be fattening?

    Like we made these healthy muffins that have blueberry's and lots of protein. And they have no butter or anything like that. they are made with whole grain, and i had like four of them lol. They...
  7. What is a good wake boarding boat for under 20,000 used... and i mean like

    around 15,000? One that throws a fat wake.

    and reliable.
  8. Could a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GST beat a 04 hyundai tiburon?

    just curious
  9. Replies

    Do you think this is funny?

    Okay, hear is goes

    :Hate me i dare you, i eat tricks lyk you for breakfast?
    This kid said it to me. He was a big black man at my school.

    when he said it in my face, i fell to the gound
  10. my genius sidebar and itunes store wont work! ?

    i just updated to vindows vista 3 this morning and downloaded itunes 8.0 and i signed into genius and it makes playlists but it wont find new songs! and the itunes store wont work! if i click the...
  11. Replies

    How do I get a Vodaphone PAC code?

    I have a PAYG vodaphone but I want to change to a cheaper network (12p a text is too much!). How do I get the PAC code?
    I looked on their website and there's no information at all.
    and I don't want...
  12. Why is my (legal) torrent only downloading from 3 of 16 peers?

    It's ridiculous- what makes it so that I can't download from all the peers? I could have gotten this (perfectly legal) torrent downloaded in a matter of hours, but no- it's a matter of days because...
  13. Replies

    My speakers are not working correctly..?

    When I turn my speakers on, they make a beeping noise to show that the power has been turned on. I have checked several settings on my computer to make sure that they have not been muted and...
  14. Replies

    what is a bad year to buy a mazda miata?

    I heard that one shouldn't buy a used Mazda Miata either the 1990 or 1991..I'm not sure..Need to know what year was a bad year.
  15. Why is it, my openid library seems to have problems picking up ONLY Yahoo's...

    ...OpenID Server? Ok, so after deciding to redesign my web site, I decided to try and include OpenID, which I have done successfully, apart from one OpenID provider, which is Yahoo!. I keep getting...
  16. eharmony ads without pictures

    eharmony ads without pictures
  17. What to do when another manager (not your boss but still above you) screams

    at you and is generally evil? I work for a major national organization in one of its most highly respected divisions. I report directly to the director. One manager used to have my job, and loves to...
Results 1 to 17 of 17
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