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Type: Posts; User: Denise

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  1. It sounds more cool than other words that have...

    It sounds more cool than other words that have kinda the same meaning.
  2. Horoscope quiz (detailed): what is your true astrology sign?

    if you take this quiz post the results and...
  3. Replies

    have you ever met a celebrity?

    i met hunter smith. the punter for the Indianapolis colts!! woot woots!
    but that's the closest i got to meeting a celebrity. he kinda is one though. but when i say celebrity i mean a big-timer....
  4. Replies

    Good Will Hunting Movie?

    The movie, there was an article on yahoo the other day about the collaboration between some of the actors in the movie, and the article talked about the same collaboration of actors working on a new...
  5. What do you think of this whole Nostradamus thing about 2012?

    I just thought it was kind of interesting because I can remember when the year 2000 came around and everyone was thinking that the world would end at midnight Jan. 1st 2000. Do you think that...
  6. miley cyrus duh!

    miley cyrus

  7. Phenazopryidine's interactions with other pain medication (medicine used to

    treat UTIs)? I think I have another UTI (I've had two in the past few years), and I have some extra phenazopryidine that I had for treating the pain last time. I'd like to use it now until I can go...
  8. Can't I just check this out with the sub-total itself...?

    "A minimum order amount of $500.00 is required in order to checkout!"
  9. do you need a special adapter to use the g2 itouch with headphones? ?

    i have recently bought one and nothing seems to be working... we noticed something about a 3.5 mm adaptor and are wondering if that would help... any answers would be greatly appreciated.
  10. I think the internet has killed so many things...

    I think the internet has killed so many things but in a way has helped too. In music i think is not fair for the artist that had to go to a company and all that stuff, but artist that MySpace launch...
  11. has anyone ever had any problems with a motorola w490 flip phone?

    i have one that i had gotten from tmobile and this is the third one i have gone through within the past two months. i was just wondering if anyone has had any problems with their phones buttons...
  12. Is it possible to find the movie "The California Raisins" on DVD?

    I can remember watching this when I was little and thought my kids would enjoy it, just cannot find it in DVD form.
  13. What would you write if you had to send a letter to your roommate at your future... It's a supplemental essay for Babson. It requires you to write a letter to your roommate
    what would you write?
  14. Replies

    Is the new cellphone G1 for prepaid?

    Is it for bill only or also prepaid?
  15. How cold does it get in Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge area Tennessee in mid January?

    I want to know because we might go during January and how pretty is it to go during that time?
  16. What about the prophecies that have been fulfilled?

    Every single prophecy has been fulfilled in order in the bible. Is this not enough evidence besides many other things that Jesus Christ does exist? What other explanation is there for these happening...
  17. I cant tell my too scared lol. They...

    I cant tell my too scared lol. They might not talk to me anymore. Then they'lll think i like them or something, so i just keep it to myself
  18. When i switch airlines on a layover do i need to pick up my bags and recheck them?

    i just got my tickets on priceline and am wondering if they are going to get my bags transferred over when i switch from delta to a frontier flight or if i am going to have to get them from baggage...
  19. 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee left front end whining noise. Happens during acceleration ?

    I've had it into the shop and they could not find the problem (said it is a phantom noise). The noise is not consistent. It did not make the noise all summer, but has just recently started again,...
  20. yes not an easy one but knuckle down and it goes...

    yes not an easy one but knuckle down and it goes up
  21. yes not an easy one but knuckle down and it goes...

    yes not an easy one but knuckle down and it goes up
  22. yes not an easy one but knuckle down and it goes...

    yes not an easy one but knuckle down and it goes up
  23. Replies

    I would take her to a avian vet right away the...

    I would take her to a avian vet right away the bird is sick and any kind of fumes will harm a bird bleach is really strong to us what do you think it dose to a little parakeet.
  24. Problems with my Motorola W490's keypad. HELP!?

    Earlier today my phone was working fine, didn't show any signs of any problem, well tonight it just stopped working, has anyone had a problem like this with there phone or know what could be causing...
  25. I believe you need to each have a seat of your...

    I believe you need to each have a seat of your own. I know when I was younger we'd fit 6 people in a regular car, one sitting on the backseat floor, but it can be too risky considering you can get...
Results 1 to 25 of 60
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