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Type: Posts; User: Jenny

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  1. Say you really can't seem to get your mind off wanting to fix things with a

    friend you used to talk to? Long story short.. Basically this guy I was talking to a lot was giving me mix signals the whole time we were friends. He would wanna hang then he wouldn't and he would...
  2. Replies

    he wont talk to me?!?

    So I like this guy, which i'll call B, and he's friends with a guy ill call C.
    So I was talking to C and two of my other girl friends, lets call them M & R. And I was making fun of one of them and...
  3. Can you tell from the link below whose facebook account it is?

    And is it possible to know whose fb account it is?
  4. i have a samsung 46inch tv and we just bought a sony blue ray dvd player with

    wifi. we have it connected to th?
    i have a samsung 46inch tv and we just bought a sony blue ray dvd player with wifi. we have it connected to the internet and hooked up to the tv through the HDMI1...
  5. Replies

    Latin style song help?

    I was in the Dominican Republic on my way to my resort and I heard this song which I fell in love with! The chorus went "you and I and me and you." The chorus was in English sung by a man it was a...
  6. Replies


    A cold and bloody event that happened in the 1940s was the Japanese Internment Camps which circulated the relocation of Japanese-Americans for "safety" just after the attack on Pearl Harbor. "In...
  7. How do i delete all the pics from my iPhone at once?

    Over the past few months, I have taken over 300 photos on my iPhone. I just uploaded them to my computer, and now i want to delete them from my phone. Is there a trick to deleting all at once? I...
  8. i don't think it's weird to have other people's...

    i don't think it's weird to have other people's fact the internet is better because in "real life" you don't always want to know what your friends and family think of the names you...
  9. Is it bad if you cut your penis skin off from the head to the end of penis?

    Ok me and my boyfriend was having hard sex.
    Since hes not circumsized, the skin from the head to the end of the penis just ripped off, and it wont stop bleeding, and im scared that something might...
  10. Replies

    What is the "best" laptop brand of these?

    Hi there!
    So if I'm accepted to my choice university, I'll be needing a new laptop. Mine will be a little over 2 years by then, and it's kinda slow. :(

    Actually, is it even worth it to buy a new...
  11. ugh...i have this need ... sexuality that just wont go away?

    ok well yea i have a need of having sex but i have never done it but i have been able to pleasure myself in anyway i can but why is it that it just keeps coming it like i never had sex to feel this...
  12. I need to get a fake id, perferably a driving permit in southern california?

    plz help! the price doesn't matter

    and YES i understand this is illegal -_____-
    fcking arlyn. im not a retard. i had my permit but it expired, so i threw it away, w/out knowing that i would need...
  13. If you found silky undies in your husbands drawers that might fit him would you...

    ...ask him about it ? and if so? what would you hope his answer was ?
  14. There's a children's religion class but the teacher is catholic and

    we're christian. What should we do? There aren't any christians classes around at this place.
  15. Replies

    How do I train my puppy?

    My puppy (golden retriever) knows how to sit, lay down, and shake, thought only for a few seconds. She always bites me, and when I try to offer chew toys she ignores them. I know everyone says to...
  16. Replies

    Driving Permit Age, Please Help!?!?

    I am 15, and I live in pennsylvania.

    Some people are saying that I can get my permit now, if i go somewhere in frazer?

    SO: Two questions.

    1.) Does anyone know a place I could go in...
  17. Replies

    I think its stupid. I actually don't really care,...

    I think its stupid. I actually don't really care, Dan is boring.
  18. Replies

    HAHHAA i loved this. i'm definitely telling my...

    i loved this.
    i'm definitely telling my friends this lovely poem
  19. "Feeling chemistry" has never worked in my favor?!? Confused about relationship?

    I'm 24 and I've been dating my bf for over a year- he is very close to perfect...he's a good quality guy who's smart, sexy, kind, reliable, honest, etc...however, he's not much of a conversationalist...
  20. Go after you and jump you.

    Go after you and jump you.
  21. Replies

    when they say that they mean something is wierd...

    when they say that they mean something is wierd or random ..and they are using gay,.,insted of the right word,, knwing or not knwing that it is hateful thing to do,..
  22. Replies

    Is this a healthy way to live?

    ok first off i'm twelve and a hard core veggie. i first started to become a veggi when i was 9 but i still ate fish and things that had some meat in it. when i was 10 and a half i started seriously...
  23. Burning sensation in the back of my throat...?

    Ok.. so for the past week.. I've felt like complete crap, lol. I was constipated for almost 3 days, and just today and I had very soft stool. (TMI sorry) I did eat spicy foods before all this...
  24. Can I train for a 60 mile walk and a half-marathon run in unison? Any ideas how?

    This year I will be training for the 60 mile 3 day Komen walk as well as my second half-marathon. The walk is 4 weeks before the run. I really want to focus on my speed for the run and improve upon...
  25. some of them are just different tastes (like...

    some of them are just different tastes (like blueberry), and others are laced with other drugs..
Results 1 to 25 of 316
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