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Type: Posts; User: Susie

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  1. Replies

    Which "Universe" Blue Ray to buy?

    I see that there are several "Universe" documentaries out. Which one is the better one?
  2. Using L'Hopitals rule, find the limit as x approaches infinity of (x/x+1)^x?

    Using L'Hopitals rule, find the limit as x approaches infinity of (x/x+1)^x. How do I do this?
    I need to show work for it.
  3. Replies

    Science Vs religion.. which is the truth?

    I seriously do not know what to believe. Here i am bored in science class getting lectures about how the universe had started with a big bang. On the other hand in Sunday i learned that god made the...
  4. Because its America. The land of the free. They...

    Because its America. The land of the free. They can do whatever suits them. Haven't you realized that in the 10 years that you have lived. Pathetic fool.
  5. Replies

    Guys, what does this mean?

    if a guy hugs, touches you when the both of you are alone and he doesn't really talk to you, but he talks to other girls, what does that mean?
  6. i need advice. Do guys play hard to get too. i met this guy we went out and there

    was kissing but everything ? was fine but now he's acting strange. if i go out with my friends clubbin .He gets mad.he gets jealous about other guys.i feel with him im in circles.i told him a week...
  7. i went to a club with my friend and the moment i got there. its like i got all his

    attention""bartender""he ? started smilin , starring. by the end of night. he gave me a free bag of chips and a free friend goes there all the time.she said he never did that before..i...
  8. When should a woman stop going for mammograms?

    My mother is 84. Should she still have to go through that ordeal?
  9. Replies

    What Animal Does Asia Mainly Hunt?

    Hey Everyone!

    I'm doing a science project on the Whale Wars and need to know what Asia mainly hunts. Anyone Know?

    Thanks for your help!
  10. Replies

    Is the LG Xenon a smartphone?

    I can't find any information on this phone that is coming out soon telling whether it's a smartphone or not.

    Also, what is the approximate cost?
  11. Replies

    Is the HTC Fuze for AT&T worth the money?

    I am pretty sure I'm planning on getting the HTC Fuze for AT&T, even though it's a heck of a lot of moneyy ($300).

    Is the phone really that good though? I like how there is that slidey keyboard....
  12. Replies

    I have it. After about a month the slide out...

    I have it. After about a month the slide out keyboard broke, to where I have to use regular keys to send a message. Its not very user friendly either. But if your full keyboard doesnt break that its...
  13. Replies

    Is the AT&T HTC Fuze worth the money?

    I am pretty sure I'm planning on getting the HTC Fuze for AT&T, even though it's a heck of a lot of moneyy ($300).

    Is the phone really that good though? I like how there is that slidey keyboard....
  14. Replies

    Is the HTC Fuze worth the money?

    I am pretty sure I'm planning on getting the HTC Fuze for AT&T, even though it's a heck of a lot of moneyy ($300).

    Is the phone really that good though? I like how there is that slidey keyboard....
  15. Which one is better, the Samsung Eternity or the HTC Fuze?

    I'm getting a new phone and I've decided that I can't decide between these two phones. lol

    Which one do you think is better? They are both touch screen, but the Fuze has the slide keyboard, which...
  16. need help finding the pefect plz?

    I need help finding specific phones, either at&t or verizon wireless.
    NO blackberries or any of that like palms
    unfortunately, i can't get the iphone either

    I want to see a phone that has:
  17. Replies

    Need help finding an AT&T phone...?

    i want one that is a flip phone that has a QWERTY keyboard
  18. What happens if you recharge alkaline batteries that are not meant to be recharged?

    I made the mistake of recharging my alkaline batteries and one of them has white flaky concrete foam like stuff all over it. I just want to make sure it doesn't do anything to my skin and that of my...
  19. What is the value of 3/infinity and 1/(infinity^2)?

    explanation (if applicable) please. thanks.
    Sorry, i meant to say the limit of 3/infinity.

    Thanks for the contributions. My friend explained it to me already though. She said think of infinity...
  20. What famous hollywood actress used to be a nurse?

    I can't for the life of me remember her name, but there is an actress (blonde, i think) that used to be a nurse before turning to acting. help, if you can!!!
  21. What's something to look for when buying a digital camera?

    I have $150 to spend on a new camera, what is something to look for?
  22. Good way for an adult woman to pick up a little extra money?

    i'd like to make a little extra money before vacation this month, are there any job positions an adult can take, like temporary only for a couple weeks?
    lol yeah being a hooker is out of the...
  23. Im so sorry, i just hate it when that happens :(

    Im so sorry, i just hate it when that happens :(
  24. I have $90, what is a good digital camera to buy?

    we're going on vacation and i want to buy a camera for the trip
  25. What is the best 250/125 racing bikes available on the market.?

    Price is no option.
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