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Type: Posts; User: Sanjay

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  1. Hello rkj, I have some of the greatest software...

    Hello rkj, I have some of the greatest software for Sony ericsson. If you wish to download these softwares. For that wait for my next answer. Will post the next reply soon...
    Condition- you need to...
  2. Does future shop care about age when buying M games?

    I want to buy Left 4 Dead on release day, and it'd be faster if I stop there on my way home from school rather than wait for my dad to get home and get him to go there with me and buy it, so does...
  3. Replies

    How is stuff shipped from

    Does it come by UPS or Fedex, etc.
  4. Can a blu ray player play regular DVDs? Also, how good is blu ray compared to

    regular DVDs? If you put a regular DVD in a blu ray player, will it increase the quality of the regular DVD. Also, will it even play? How much better is blu ray than regular DVDs?
  5. Replies

    how much is nokia n95 in dubai ?

    Nokia N95 Model Price In Dubai ?
  6. What is the wire called where you connect your ipod to like a home theater system or

    stereo? I have an iPod video and I want a wire that allows me to connect it to a home theater system. What is this wire called?
  7. Replies

    iPhone not detecting bluetooth headset?

    I have an iPhone and an old plantronics 320 bluetooth headset from my old phone. My iPhone won't even recognize this but the plantronics website says it should. Does anyone know why this is and how...
  8. I lost the code to enter into my phone to make my bluetooth work with

    it. How can I make it work??? I got a new phone but my bluetooth can't work because I don't know the code that you need to put in. Is there any way to get this code?
  9. how do I add songs on to a karaoke machine like this? (link included)?

    I was wondering if I can add any song I want to and see the words and stuff
  10. Replies

    Where can I buy a good Karoake Machine?

    I'd like one that you could possibly plug up to the TV with songs preloaded or if not one on a stand with speakers. The main question is what is a good store to buy it from preferably not online.
  11. Replies

    1. Install Opera 9.7 and try to connect, You...

    1. Install Opera 9.7 and try to connect, You might get connection
    2. Please check the Address you have entered
    3. Check out that your Firewall may be stopping it
    4. finally ask your service...
Results 1 to 11 of 11
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