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Type: Posts; User: cute

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  1. What is the difference between groups trend and periodic trends?

    Inorganic chemistry --- Periodic table
  2. does icloud save images on someone elses phone on the iphone?!!?

    okay so me and my mates share really embarrassing images.. and my brother downloaded icloud for me :/ dont know why.. what does i cloud do? i deleted all the images on my phone.. would icloud save...
  3. what do i need (hardwares) if i want to connect an DSL internet connection?

    my computers are 8 pieces. windows xp.
  4. Orgasm hurts, never happened to me before just recently?

    Just recently I noticed that every time I have an orgasm it hurts whether by masturbation or intercourse, the first contraction caused by the orgasm hurts, any idea why?
  5. Replies

    is my boyfriend a creep? what is he up to?

    ok I moved in with him and he has this back room full of computers.(I never knew it was there b4) but he told me not to go in there. I peeked in when he was at work and its full of tall computers......
  6. My husband is old fashioned what should I do?

    It's like this, I am 17 years younger than him, and I like playing with him, you know, like give him the puppy eyes every now and then, and act silly and all that. But he doesn't like it, and he...
  7. I have a 93 dodge grand caravan. Once in a while it sticks in 2nd when started or

    when going down road it will I have a 93 dodge grand caravan. Once in a while it sticks in 2nd when started or when going down road it will go into 2nd and stick till stop and wait a while. Do I...
  8. How to tell if it is ring worm or colonized excema? My sister won't take her to

    doc looks like ringworm!? She insists that it isn't ringworm and won't take her to the doctor. It isn't a perfect circle but pretty darn close. It is raised and pink around the outside edge and she...
  9. ex hus. tells daughter that school has better test scores, cheerleading ect to get

    her to move w him. Let her? The school does have better test scores and looks to be an over all better school but it is a 1/2 hr from the school that my son goes to and the school that she would go...
  10. Replies

    Buying a new puppy need help!!?

    how can i get a pomeranian that dosent change alot from when they where small!! they get really big and not fluffly anymore!! im not allowed a big dog because i live in a apartment so i really need...
  11. tell him that it's ok it's just a dream there's...

    tell him that it's ok it's just a dream there's 5% chance that it will come true ( maybe)
    and tell him if you die you ll visit him
  12. Replies

    Hard boil eggs mayonnaise onions salt and pepper...

    Hard boil eggs mayonnaise onions salt and pepper I am not sure
Results 1 to 12 of 13
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