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Type: Posts; User: tl

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  1. What is the format to send a text message from my email to a Sprint cell phone?

    What is the format to send a text message from my email to a Sprint cell phone?
  2. cricket text format. From my email, what is the format to send a text to...

    ...a Cricket cellphone customer? cricket text format. From my email, what is the format to send a text to a Cricket cellphone customer?

    Here is the info for the others, but I need for Cricket
  3. This is absolutely disgusting!!! Is it any wonder...

    This is absolutely disgusting!!! Is it any wonder the rest of the world is disgusted with America??! Stupid, greedy idiotic people!! And the "deals" likely were cheap products made in foreign...
  4. Why are the comatose blaming Obama for the ...

    Why are the comatose blaming Obama for the INEVITABLE??
  5. Replies

    I have a 99 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited. ?

    I have a 99 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited. I have experienced 2x now a very loud clunking noise when I have been driving. Both times this has happened I have only been driving about 15 minutes. Then...
  6. Replies

    Counselors are always there to help. =]

    Counselors are always there to help. =]
  7. Replies

    Who is your favorite Craftsman truck driver?

    Mine are Ron hornaday and Matt Crafton
  8. What is the best way to download video from the internet? I wish to

    download and burn to a DVD.? I tried to install Real Player 11 but it would not install after clicking the accept button.
  9. A suspect chose to plea bargain he decided he wanted to appeal his

    case.Which of the following can he appeal? A. What would have happened at the trial
    B. How he is treated in prison
    C. Almost nothing, if in his plea bargain he signed away his right to appeal
  10. Replies

    Xbox360 Internet, IP Address failed... WHY?

    I have had my Xbox360 and Xbox live for about a month now and I haven't had any problems with it until now. Sunday morning it was perfect, I was playing online against my friends, but Sunday evening...
  11. My Xbox360 won't connect me to the Internet. IP Address Failed. Why?

    I have had my Xbox360 and Xbox live for about a month now and I haven't had any problems with it untill now. Sunday morning it was perfect but Sunday evening I couldn't connect to Xbox Live. It just...
  12. Replies

    help with 21st birthday dinner invitation?

    HI i need help with my 21st birthday dinner invitation and i have no clue what to write. Im using thank you
Results 1 to 12 of 14
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