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Type: Posts; User: JackJones

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  1. why do some people get drunk quickly on white wine?

    why do some people get drunk quickly with white wine.
  2. Replies

    I feel bad...what should i do?

    My dad is leaving this summer because he has to live overseas for 1 year. I never really thought about it to much, but now that its getting closer and closer, im starting to feel kinda sad. What...
  3. Replies

    Any new things to do on the internet?

    I used to play flash games and all that stuff. I am so sick and tired of that now. I so bored of all this kiddish stuff. Can anyone suggest some cool stuff for adults on the web. (im not talking...
  4. Replies

    Gossip Girl???

    Okay, so i browse the Drama section of Yahoo! Answers looking for some good questions about my favorite TV shows like prison break, lost, 24 ect. And so im looking and every question i see, contains...
  5. Yeessss,,,,,,,,here is the direct link...

    Yeessss,,,,,,,,here is the direct link

    *sigh* what is so good about this show anyway? every question on yahoo answers is always...
  6. Yeessss,,,,,,,,here is the direct link...

    Yeessss,,,,,,,,here is the direct link

    *sigh* what is so good about this show anyway? every question on yahoo answers is always...
  7. Replies

    Wanna hear some black jokes?

    Im not racist or anything, but these are good jokes?

    1) If life were a jacket, where would black people live?
    2) Why are black people so good at basketball?
  8. oh lol, when i first looked at the question, i...

    oh lol, when i first looked at the question, i thought it said 120 inch rims. I was like "ARE YO CRAZY????"
    lol but, what do you mean by being lifted?
  9. oh lol, when i first looked at the question, i...

    oh lol, when i first looked at the question, i thought it said 120 inch rims. I was like "ARE YO CRAZY????"
    lol but, what do you mean by being lifted?
  10. Another "DJ Equipment Set Up" Question.?

    A few things. First, I need you to confirm this set up. Tell me if its wrong. Turntable connected to mixer, mixer connected to computer. I am going to be using my computer speakers to hear things. No...
  11. Replies

    Do all DJ Mixers have Amplifiers?

    Are all mixers preamps? I need to get a mixer, but i dont want to also buy a preamp so i was wondering if all mixers have amps in them. How do i know if they do?
  12. Could i use my turntables without a Mixer?

    If i were to buy a turntable, and a preamp, would i be able to scratch and still hear sound? I know that people say that you need a mixer but ive seen ppl on youtube scratch without a mixer. A pre...
  13. Would this mixer work with this turntable.?

    The turntable i am getting is a Gemini TT-02 Direct Drive turntable and it looks pretty good. It doesnt come with a mixer. If i were to buy a seperate mixer from ebay or something, would it work with...
  14. Question about Internet Connection and Windows Live Messenger?

    so for the past 2 days, i have not been able to log onto msn. After thinking it was just a server problem, i checked the preferences. I found out why i can't connect to msn. It's because i disabled...
  15. Can you choose how your ipod organizes stuff?

    I have a ton of albums by one band and i was just wondering if you can choose how to sort them out. Right now, they are sorted by alphabet so what ever album starts with "A" comes first. I want it to...
Results 1 to 15 of 15
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