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Type: Posts; User: Arketh

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  1. Who else is sick and tired of hearing about this?

    looking at the way people are answering on Yahoo answers you can see how bad racism and sexism is in the US. The media is shaping America's votes and those who look at what the so-called liberal...
  2. What do you think Obama WOULDN'T do to become president?

    HMMMMMM Lets see he won't disown his pastor to be elected . we know this for sure.hmmmm must mean he agrees with his pastors views .you think ?
  3. White people: Would you rather your children go alone to Obama's church or Michael Jackson's house?

    Well I am Costa Rican/ english Irish but I would be just fine going to either.
  4. Why would Obama do this during the star spangled banner?

    he is against all that jazz and wants to get rid of the flag salutei say don't vote for him
  5. Replies

    Who will win? Obama or BugsBunny?

    Well.......I would vote for Obama------COME ON! Look at reality!But then.......Bugs Bunny is hilarious and wouldn't just go to China and start a Chinese War!!!!!!!LOL!So...............the race would...
  6. if Hilary were black & Obama white would you change your voting preference? Or if Hilary was a great orator?

    Is this your first election?In election years there's always a lot of hype,mud slinging,broken promises.Remember when Jessie Jackson ran for office with his rainbow coalition platform,the hype was...
  7. if Hilary were black & Obama white would you change your voting preference? Or if Hilary was a great orator?

    No because in 2004 I supported Carol Mosley Brown a black woman candidate who was probably one of the greatest African American Candidates I have seen, she was the only Democratic Candidate in 2004...
  8. Does this make sense?!?!?!? (more info inside)?

    that I was being stalked by a lesbian
  9. Replies

    Is there anybody out there like me?

    Well its okay to be different really!!If u listen to rock music well then i add u on my friend list!
  10. Replies

    can you actually write a poem about?

    i can.but how will i know if i havent see u before..:S
  11. Replies

    I need opinions please!?

    nice poem.... Well, if it's big and better things you want, I say move on. You'll never know how far you can get if you don't take any risks.
  12. Replies

    Critique my poem please?

    I won't be cruel. I'll say interesting, very interesting.
  13. Can you think of a word that rhymes with 'ate'?

    datemateKatelaterate Natehategate
  14. Can someone please help me with my poem?? it's sorta a emergency!!?

    a. lovely moonb. big moonc. staring moond. exciting moonwell am out ta wordsbut i really like your poem makes me wannta write onep.s it's not corny)))
  15. Does this poem I wrote have an appropriate religious or spiritual "feel" to it?

    I liked what the Muslim answerer had to say--except that the answer had nothing to do with the question.During the sack of Rome, the Barbarians are alleged to have smashed and slashed art just...
  16. ryan seacrest

    ryan seacrest
  17. its Blu-ray not bluetooth.... sigh* Anyways,...

    its Blu-ray not bluetooth.... sigh* Anyways, blu-ray and HD-DVD are 2 distinct types of formats, or in simple terms, different ways to save information. Each have their own machines to read the...
Results 1 to 17 of 18
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