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Type: Posts; User: downlo3d

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  1. Replies

    Clinton supporters, Question for you?

    I distrust Obama for several reasons and I think he is naive. Hillary's fight shows how strong a leader she would be. He is the type that would hand over power to the wrong type of people. I have...
  2. Replies

    Seeing as tomorrow is Sunday..........?

    Amen and Amen. Peace.
  3. Why has John McCain taken more special interest money than any other candidate?

    Here are some examples of Sen. McCain's epic battle with special-interest money: According to the Center for Responsive Politics, McCain has taken nearly $1.2 million in campaign contributions from...
  4. Good news! Senator Barack Hussein Obama "Race" speech most viewed. Tell me what you think?

    That means that Obama supporters watched his speech and probably a lot of them watched ot multiple times.That is known as "preaching to the choir."That number (123,000) is less than 1% of the people...
  5. What book is stolen more than any others? And can you explain the irony of it?

    The Bible -- stolen, I imagine, from hotel rooms. Ironic, of course, because the Ten Commandments include the following: "Thall shalt not steal."
  6. Why are people obsessed with Obama's middle name?

    Barack HUSSEIN's got terrorist written all over it!
  7. I'm not into politics but what does Conservative mean what do the Conservatives Stand for?

    I'm not into politics but what does Conservative mean what do the Conservatives Stand for?
  8. Does it matter that Obama taught at the University of Chicago Law School?

    He tough them Black Theology
  9. what are the average beats per minute for rap and techno?

    what are the average beats per minute for rap and techno?
  10. what do you think (john cena and randy orton)?

    I think he should go back to his gangsta rapper style.. He's funny and I miss it
  11. Replies

    Is Rap Music dead?

    sadly no
  12. Replies

    Is Rap Music dead?

    i hope so...i got tierd of hearing that a long time ago.
  13. Who really paved the way for the hip hop world?

    DJ Kool Herc and people like Fab 5 Freddy, DJ Hollywood, and Russell Simmons were promoting parties showcasing mc's and graff. artist back in the 70's long before there was a Rap Label. The Sugar...
  14. Do you know anyone that hates all genres of music?

    I don't think anyone like that would exist or live for a long time...Music is described as a food to the soul, and a soul without the food would definitely die.A life without some music, rhythm and...
  15. Replies

    What are some catchy songs...?

    money honey - state of shockreallly catchy
  16. Try scanning for another adress, choose yours...

    Try scanning for another adress, choose yours then enter the WEP key. See if that helps.
Results 1 to 16 of 16
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