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Type: Posts; User: AnnaK

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  1. Do you have to scream a lot for cheerleading?

    Could I get away with just saying it clearly cuz I don't want to ruin my vocal chords. Thanks.
  2. what celebrity looks most like nemo from finding nemo?

    it's all in the question :P any opinions are good thannnnnnnnnnnks!! :D
  3. Replies

    I'd always go with LG, they're much more durable...

    I'd always go with LG, they're much more durable and dependable than any other phone on the market!
  4. Do I have to have a credit card to purchase items off ebay?

    I don't have one...can I pay with cash?

    I just signed up today.
  5. no not really maybe ur turning albino

    no not really maybe ur turning albino
  6. Replies

    Should I take my son to the Doctor?

    My 3 year old son and I eat the same vegetarian diet. Since June, when my son has a bowel movement, he has tons of gas and most often his bowels are loose; not completely solid and are very light in...
  7. how much do you pay for iphone(phone plan)*answer this if you have iphone*?

    i was just wondering i am really not sure about my phone plan for iphone yet but i just want to see what you pay maybe your plan works the best for me. i am getting iphone for myself really soon.
  8. Replies

    these are my symptoms, whats wrong with me?

    Ive been really busy with work and school and havnt found time to make an appt. yet but just so i know what im dealing with here id like to know what kind of things may be wrong with me, i know i...
  9. Replies

    is the LG KEYBO a good phone?

    Okay, my first phone was a LG Chocolate (the slide one) and I love it so much and the camera is amazing, but Ive dropped it a couple of times and now the buttons and everything are not starting to...
  10. Replies

    Is the jeep patriot a good car?

    Can you please tell me if the jeep patriot is smooth when you ride it. thanks!!
  11. Replies

    What should I put in my fish tank?

    I have a 10 gallon fresh water fish tank I am wondering what a good inexpensive fish that is really cool? Do you have any suggestions?
  12. Replies

    Small Bump on my dog's nose?

    There is a small white bump on the side of my dog's nose. It's about 1 mm in diameter. It is a little bit hard and it doesn't irritate him at all. He's acting totally normal. I'm taking him to the...
  13. Replies

    my kitty!!!!!!!!

    my kitty!!!!!!!!
  14. Replies

    my kitty!!!!!!!!

    my kitty!!!!!!!!
  15. Thread: Vacation Spots?

    by AnnaK

    Vacation Spots?

    I am looking for a new place to vacation. Where would be a good place to go for a family? We used to go to Sanibel Island, but since that got blown away by a hurricane, we are now looking for a new...
  16. My computer's default gateway number keeps changing!!! And when it does the internet

    goes off! HELP PLEASE! =( It keeps switching from 192.168.01(working internet) to 192.168.254= internet not working.

    What does this mean and how can I stop this??
  17. Replies

    Do you prefer Japanese cars or German???

    Im not a car expert, i just want to see what you guys suggest?????????? Although i heard from millions of people that japenese cars last long..second german then american? thats what i heard???
  18. Replies

    Bun/Creatinine Ratio and elevated ALT?

    My bun/creatinine ratio is 26. The normal range is 6-22. Should I be concerned? I am a 30 year old female. Also, my ALT is 46, which is also high.
  19. i love how you say POOR BLACK man! now theres a...

    i love how you say POOR BLACK man!
    now theres a word for that what is it again..
    oh yeah...

    RACISM !
  20. Replies

    It helps when your government offers you services...

    It helps when your government offers you services like national healthcare, welfare and Employment Insurance in exchange for taxes that go to services not build up a massive military power.

    It is...
  21. Yahoo News reports that McCain lost a fifth strategist yesterday - the fifth...

    ...lobbyist in his organization? Why do Republicans love special interests and big oil so much? McBush only had to "reluctantly" part with them after the media revealed the connections these people...
Results 1 to 21 of 21
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