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Type: Posts; User: michelle

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  1. What are some cultural or cognitive differences between humans & animals?

    I need to write a paper about 2 differences between humans and animals. One needs to be a cognitive difference and the other a cultural difference - I would like them to have something to do with...
  2. Replies

    Samsung Rant Vs. Samsung Instinct?

    Which is better for a 16 year old who wants a GOOD camera and GOOD text messaging?
  3. If I buy a movie off iTunes, can I burn it onto a blank DVD?

    I want to buy Mamma Mia! the movie off iTunes. After I buy it, I want to burn it on a blank DVD so I can watch it on my DVD player instead of on the computer. Is this possible? If so, please explain...
  4. Nope. But it's only $.99, so why are you...

    Nope. But it's only $.99, so why are you stressing?
  5. Can you breed cats on the pc game catz 4?

    if so how?
  6. kate-no selena-yes demi-yes cameron-sorta...

  7. many things. perhaps a torque converter problem...

    many things. perhaps a torque converter problem or a transmission problem
  8. no my guy friend told me this girl he kissed must...

    no my guy friend told me this girl he kissed must have because he felt the stubble growing back in. can you imagine how gross that would be?! if its hardly noticable let it be if it bother you get...
  9. How to put a video with the wrong file format on my sansa mp3?

    i have a sansa sandisk, and i got a digital copy of a movie as a bonus feature with a dvd, and i want to put it on my mp3. I have the media converter that came wit the player, but the video is in a...
  10. joe jonas

    joe jonas <3 or any one of the jonas brothers
  11. demi lovato, aundrea from danity kane,the jonas...

    demi lovato, aundrea from danity kane,the jonas brothers drummer jack lawless, and kristiv calavari from laguna beach
  12. jonas brothers

    jonas brothers
  13. jonas brothers

    jonas brothers
  14. jonas brothers

    jonas brothers
  15. jonas brothers

    jonas brothers
  16. Replies

    First off it is your choice to be bisexual or...

    First off it is your choice to be bisexual or not...the only way to find out is to try is short...u may come to find that u love it... theres nothing wrong being bisexual..anyway it could...
  17. what is the meaning of the song Young by Hollywood Undead?

    I kind of like the song but I'm a little iffy about the lyrics like what is the song about is it about the war, God, what?
    I know the lyrics to the song! just not so much the meaning of them!

    Step 1: Go to
    Step 2. Once you are at home page, click on Money Maker on the side menu
    Step 3: You will see 3 different virsions. 2 in which you can download (I recomment the...
  19. when can i start cardio workuts? After a c-esection?

    I really want to lose the wieght that i gained from my pregnacy. I had a c-section and i didnt think to ask my doctor so how long should i wait to start working out?? oh its been 3 months since i...
  20. sound wont work on internet - myspace, youtube...?

    sound works on itunes and other media players, but no songs or videos on youtube will make sound.

    when i try to listen to music playlists on itunes this is what it looks like...
  21. the chi and the sedu

    the chi and the sedu
  22. Replies

    fashion disaster. Help!?

    okay so i wanna get the colored skinny jeans right but im so lost on which to get. my mom says blue. my friend says pink. and than everyone else is just saying every color. so i decided im gonna have...
  23. Why all the hate? Why can't we unite and help each other out instead of...

    ...whining and arguing? I'm a conservative republican and proud of it, though I don't have a problem with democrats in the least because many of them have great ideas as well.

    It saddens me...
  24. music is amazing yes it is its grazing she...

    music is amazing
    yes it is
    its grazing
    she listens every night
    and when ever she gets up tight
    it makes her feel free
    and sooths her when she lost the key
    music is her life
    without it she'll...
  25. in the play romeo and juliet, what elements conspire against them?

    since romeo and juliet are star crossed lovers.
    what are some of the things that keep them apart.
    besides the feuding families
Results 1 to 25 of 410
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