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Type: Posts; User: kristen

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  1. Replies

    How do i set up my voicemail for the Vu?

    pleaseeee help?!
  2. If I scream into a bottle and close it right awake, will my scream come out...

    ...of it when I open it again?
    I meant right "away" not "awake"
    Hahaha Lily. lol

    And I tried it, it doesn't work "/
  3. Replies

    Can I use the env2 with an at&t plan?

    I have an at&t sim card but i really really want the env2 or whatever the name is..... can i buy that phone with no contract and just put my sim card in it?
    I just got the vu today or whatever it's...
  4. Would you like to be the daughter/son of a celebrity?

    If you would, then who?
    I wouldn't. There wouldn't be any privacy.
  5. Replies

    help help help art problem?

    what sould i draw for my art class nothing with nudity
  6. Replies

    Does The Firm Workout System Work?

    I was wondering if the FIRM body sculpting system works???
    If you have used it, did you get good results? and how long did it take??
  7. How far is the asteroid belt from the sun and from Saturn?

    miles and/or kilometers please(:

    thanks! <3
  8. Replies

    Can you make a "Happy Birthday" rap?

    It's my friend's birthday tomorrow and I want to make a rap for her.

    This is what I came up with:
    "Yo yo yo! Happy Birthday!
    Yeah it's your birthday.
    It's not may,
    cause it's your birthday!...
  9. losing my religion - rem

    losing my religion - rem
  10. Replies

    i liked it before obsessed people ruined it for...

    i liked it before obsessed people ruined it for everyone
  11. Replies

    Itunes gift card code canceled?

    i got a 25$ itunes card from best buy like 2 weeks ago, and when i tried to redeem the card, itunes said that 'the code you entered has been canceled'. what does that mean?
  12. If they don't ski or snowboard and have no...

    If they don't ski or snowboard and have no interest in taking it up then you should give them ideas for what they can do while on vacation to wherever you'd go.
  13. Song played in the Gossip Girl episode that was on 2-2-09 when Dan sleeps

    with Ms.Carr? I love the song, but I don't know the name!
    It's the episode where Ms.Carr is fired from teaching at Constance and so she just goes right ahead and sleeps with Dan after him & Serena...
  14. Heidi Klum Above: Kate Winslet or Hailey from...

    Heidi Klum

    Above: Kate Winslet or Hailey from Paramore
    Below: Jennifer Love Hewitt in a younger version with longer hair.
  15. Replies

    how can i get free games on my htc touch?

    i no longer have the internet on my phone, could someone help me get fun games on my touch??
  16. Send & receive FAX without a phone line using wireless internet?

    I have the wireless internet through AT&T is it possible to fax without using a phone line since my wireless internet does have it's own phone number?
    My husband is fixing to start online school and...
  17. How do I deal with my daughter whining and always wanting to be picked up?

    my daughter is 9 months old and is little for her age so she cannot crawl yet. She always whines and wants picked up. I have been giving in and holding her pretty much all day but she is getting...
  18. Woooooowwwwwwwwww dddoooo yyyooouuu rrrllllyyyy...

    Woooooowwwwwwwwww dddoooo yyyooouuu rrrllllyyyy tallkkk lyykkkeee diiisisss?!?!?!?!??!
  19. Replies

    I think the sky is probably the answer

    I think the sky is probably the answer
  20. Replies

    Have you ever met a celebrity?

    What happened?

    I met Jason Dolley at a bowling alley.
    It was funny because we had met his brother earlier at Target and didn't know they were related. :)
  21. Where is the antenna located on the EnV2 phone?

    Because my boyfriend gave me an FMF wave filter that absorbs radiation and you're supposed to put it on the antenna type thing that absorbs radiation but I'm not sure where it goes. its a circle...
  22. I would go with the 100 calorie packs. They have...

    I would go with the 100 calorie packs. They have all kinds of crackers and snacks. You can pretty much eat anything as long as it's a small portion. That's why I love those 100 cal things, because...
  23. Ha you sound like you eat exactly like I do......

    Ha you sound like you eat exactly like I do... smallish meals and lots of little things during the day like fruit and healthy snacks.

    I think it is healthy. Probably put some more veggies and...
  24. Replies

    Dolly Parton furr shureeee ! ahahaha ;]

    Dolly Parton furr shureeee !
    ahahaha ;]
  25. Replies

    jaw makes a very quiet clicking noise?

    whenever i chew stuff i noticed it does that. i used to think there was just food back there like crunching. but i hope i dont have tmd or tmj or whatever because my mom does and her jaw locks up...
Results 1 to 25 of 144
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