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Type: Posts; User: MrseM

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  1. T-Mobile G1 or Motorola Zine? Which phone should I get?

    I'm quite torn between these 2 phones and can not decide alone on which one I should choose. I know that I would be pretty happy with either of them and through T-Mobile for me they would be the same...
  2. T-Mobile G1 or Motorola Zine? Which phone should I get?

    I'm quite torn between these 2 phones and can not decide alone on which one I should choose. I know that I would be pretty happy with either of them and through T-Mobile for me they would be the same...
  3. T-Moble G1 or Motorola Zine? Camera is very important but I want to get a...

    ...good phone too.? I'm quite torn between these 2 phones and can not decide alone on which one I should choose. I know that I would be pretty happy with either of them and through T-Mobile for me...
  4. Replies

    depends on your weight. I would say 60ish. ...

    depends on your weight.
    I would say 60ish.

    I'm not sure about a calculator, sorry
  5. chicken breast, broc and cheese. you need to eat...

    chicken breast, broc and cheese. you need to eat alot more calories through out the day
  6. you'll need to maintain more of a healthy eating...

    you'll need to maintain more of a healthy eating and excerise lifestyle rather then just go back to eating junk foods, ya know?

    But your only 15! dont worry about it too much, just step on the...
  7. you'll need to maintain more of a healthy eating...

    you'll need to maintain more of a healthy eating and excerise lifestyle rather then just go back to eating junk foods, ya know?

    But your only 15! dont worry about it too much, just step on the...
  8. Replies

    can you ask your mom to help with food bills so...

    can you ask your mom to help with food bills so you can buy fruits and veggies? I would think she would be willing since shes offering a gym membership!

    I would go and lift weights since your tiny...
  9. What are these vitamins good for? Fish Oil and Flax Seed?

    Will it help to lose weight?
  10. slow weight to speed things up?

    Ok so i know its better to lose it slow but come on my body! I used to be able to lose 30lbs in 4 weeks. Ive been very seriously dieting: ok not dieting a LIFE change!!!! for the last 7 weeks and...
  11. Replies

    Website/book to learn how to eat healthy?

    I've been trying to lose weight for the last 7 weeks and have lost 17lbs. I joined a gym a week ago, have gone EVERY day so far :)

    Anyways: I want to learn what foods are "healthy" other then as...
  12. Can a bladder infection cause back pain and cramps in lower stomach, like time of...

    I haven't gone yet, I am going this afternoon but I didn't know if I should be concerned with the cramping.
  13. Anybody have a blondie base recipe, that the fair will allow, that I can

    doctor up to my taste? I am looking for a basic blondie base, that the fair will allow, that I can doctor up to make my own, to my taste. Any one got one?
  14. Replies

    yes it is good for you.

    yes it is good for you.
  15. Replies

    yes it is good for you.

    yes it is good for you.
  16. Replies

    Bubbley feeling in chest?

    I sometimes get a bubbley feeling in my chest area.Not very often: maybe 2-3 times a year. It will last all day then goes away.
    I do have acid reflux.
    Could this just be from my acid reflux or...
  17. Has anyone read "His Needs, Her Needs" By Willard F. Harley, Jr.?

    What are your thoughts on it?
    I disagree with some of it and it bothers me. Such as the feeling he gave in chapter 6. I felt he was saying that if your spouse doesn't like an activity you do, ex for...
  18. Replies


  19. Is it harder, easier to lose weight after gall bladder surgery?

    I know what it takes to lose weight however I'm wondering about losing weight now that my gall bladder is taken out?
    I had it taken out 5 days ago, not really ready to excerise much yet.
    I have...
  20. Is it harder or easier to lose weight after Gall Bladder surger?

    I know what it takes to lose weight however I'm wondering about losing weight now that my gall bladder is taken out?
    I had it taken out 5 days ago, not really ready to excerise much yet.
    I have...
Results 1 to 20 of 21
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