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Type: Posts; User: Jess

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  1. Is it just me, or does the phrase "It can't be helped" get used repeatedly... anime/manga? The damn phrase is everywhere! What's your opinion?
  2. Replies

    Pin Up/ Alt model name?

    I want to start doing some Pin up and Alt modeling , I'm signing up for a model site but i need a name? I always use Whitechapeljess but that doesn't really sound good.. my name is Jessica Angeline...
  3. Replies

    Someone please help!!!! lol?

    I was wit my bf for about a month we recently broke up & idk what to do anymore like I didn't even try getting him back or anything cus it was already our 2nd time breaking up so I was like whatever,...
  4. Replies

    ring tone for iphone?

    i bought a song on itunes and cropped it for a ring tone, then i synced my iphone but the whole song comes up in the ipod section. how do i get the cropped version and how do i apply it as a ring...
  5. Replies

    advice on fusing glass?

    i need to fuse small pieces of glass for my dt a level project (jewellery). only problem is, my school has 2 kilns, one old uhlig that doesnt and one wenger metamel no.2, and neither of them have...
  6. raceyourduck com,level 1 should be ok for her

    raceyourduck com,level 1 should be ok for her
  7. What's wrong with my iPod Nano? It won't sync selected songs?

    It synced over 200 the first time I synced it. Then I re-set it and re-synced it with the songs I checked to have synced. It's been three months and I've hardly used it because I can't get it to sync...
  8. try to cover the soil with heavy river rocks, or...

    try to cover the soil with heavy river rocks, or sharp gravel. These textures are not pleasant for prying paws, and they can dissuade the cat from turning up the dirt to poop. If putting stones in...
  9. Replies

    Birth control pill question?

    I know you're supposed to start it on the sunday after or the first day of it. But I started it on a Wednesday before I was supposed to start my period. I haven't gotten my period so I'm assuming...
  10. get kitty fixed asap! and be sure to show kitty...

    get kitty fixed asap! and be sure to show kitty when he's doing wrong.
  11. Replies

    What are sets and reps?

    I'm trying to do a workout and I have no idea what they are....

    Also, explain in "dumb people friendly" terms...

    thank you!
  12. Katherine Heigl - Grey's Anatomy

    Katherine Heigl - Grey's Anatomy
  13. Replies

    Unlocking My Sony Ericsson W910i?

    I would like to unlock my W910i but am not willing to pay $80 for it.
    PLEASE HELP?????????
  14. Replies

    a straight guy with style. (you might think hes...

    a straight guy with style. (you might think hes gay lol)
  15. A question about The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.?

    If you've read the book, you know the line "I listened to the old brag of my heart. I am. I am. I am."

    I did research and noticed that some people say it's "bray" not "brag"

    I guess I have 2...
  16. Replies

    71 dodge charger 500

    71 dodge charger 500
  17. Replies

    opinion on cell phones brand pantech and lg?

    i am looking at buying either a pantech duo slider phone or an lg VU any info on these 2 cell phones would be greatlt appreciated
  18. Replies

    i remember that in school, and you're asking for...

    i remember that in school, and you're asking for help on it? That wasn't even hard! Please!!!
    Do your homework, i mean that's what school is about.
    Cheating will get you no where in life

  19. Replies

    Maybe look into using a food and exercise diary....

    Maybe look into using a food and exercise diary.
    I recommend
    They have a lot of great items on there to show you your consumption, burning of calories, etc.
  20. Replies

    How to up my protein intake?

    I don't eat a lot of meat (i try but i dont like meat a lot, i eat it about 3 times a week tops), but i try to get more protein in my diet. I try eating more beans/peas, having more peanut butter,...
  21. What is a good diet plan to follow? Please...?

    A really healthy one...

    Also some good good exercises for legs...

    THANK YOU!!!
  22. Hmm i know this wasn't a scary one, but what...

    Hmm i know this wasn't a scary one, but what about the goonies? lol
  23. Hmm i know this wasn't a scary one, but what...

    Hmm i know this wasn't a scary one, but what about the goonies? lol
  24. Replies

    what contributes to a happy marriage?

    I'm writing a paper for my class. I have alot but not enough for 3 pages worth. Any ideas?? Dont just tell me things, tell me then say why. if you can.. Thankksss so muchhH!
  25. Can u still watch the bachelor even if obamas speech is on at the same time?

    So obama is supposed to speak at the same time the bachelors on is there another way to watch the bachelor!?? I'm slightly addicted to it haha!
Results 1 to 25 of 458
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