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Type: Posts; User: vicki

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  1. pop up ad from Bitcoin Millionaire taking over my email lnks ... How can I get

    rid of it!? When I click on a link in my emails, most of the time they are taking over the link which is something I sign up for or something with more info and it never goes to the link it should be.
  2. Emmett

  3. Replies

    travelling by coach and ferry is it boring?

    is it boring i'm goin with one of my maes to barcelona with the school we are travelin on coach n ferry we leave at 6:30 am and don't get there till noon the next day
  4. Replies

    school trip to barcelona...should i go?

    at the end of june i have the chance to go to barcelona with the school we are traveling by coach and ferry 1 of my mates is goin, all the teachers that are goin are sound and we are goin to port...
  5. What are some fan mail phone numbers for any celebrity?

    Hey! i just wanted to know some fan mail phone numbers that u could call and leave messages. ummm i have Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez already so im all set with that.. Ummm so... i just wanted to...
  6. Is there any sort of baby/kid carrier that would work for an electric scooter?

    I cant get a car (no money) and my bike is making me so sore i can hardly pick my daughter up. I was looking into buying an electric scooter and was then wondering how am i going to transport her in...
  7. Is it illegal to ride a baby bike trailer for about 8 miles?

    Can anyone stop someone for riding a bike and hauling a 1 year old to and fro?
  8. On a Ipod Nano i have forgotten the password and i was wondering if anyone

    knows how to get the password off? Please leave sensible questions (i have already tried to look on their main website but i have to sign up) so if anyone is already signed up please copy and paste...
  9. joe

  10. Replies

    How to get dog to stop whining?

    I have two dogs, a lab and a pug mix. They are allowed everywhere in our house except in our bedroom. This is because we have new wall-to-wall carpeting in there and the lab is still young and...
  11. George picks up a piece of wood and a spoon both have the same temp. why does

    the spoon feel colder?

    George picks up a piece of wood and a metal spoon both have the same temperature of 20 explain why the metal spoon feels colder to touch than the piece of wood.

    um help?
  12. how many suitcases can I take for the international trip? ?

    I will take an international trip and fly from san francisco....I wonder how many suitcases I can take and what the weight limit for them....thank you
  13. Replies

    cheapest way to move a vehicle?

    I bought a car in Lakewood that isn't driveable. I need to get it to Cheyenne, WY as cheap as possible. ANy siggestions?
    I am looking for rental companies, etc.... I do not have anything to tow...
  14. Replies

    Mechanic help! MOT Failed?

    I have a T reg citroen saxo 1.1i. It has failed the mot for 'Exhaust emissions carbon monoxide content at idle excessive 7.3.2c'
    I had a new cat and exhaust put in last year which didnt change the...
  15. Replies

    My cat has bloodly poop????

    My 4 year old cat has bloodly poop. What does that mean and what should i do???
  16. Replies

    what do you think of the ford puma 1.4

    i may be getting a ford puma 1.4 what do you like and dislike about it and is it a good car for me to get i am keeping my other car but i want another thx
  17. No, you're right. Like, what, is it SO hard to...

    No, you're right. Like, what, is it SO hard to speak English the way it was taught to you? It seems to me these people WANT to come off as unintelligent.
  18. Depending on who's doing the looking, bisexuals...

    Depending on who's doing the looking, bisexuals are looked down on more so than anybody else. Have you seen people that label us as greedy, confused, selfish, slutty, etc? I have, and the people who...
  19. Replies

    On a sony ericsson, what does it mean by...

    what does it mean by "try reconnecting the device. if windows still does not recognize,replace the device." what does it mean by replace the device? please and thank you for your help!
  20. Replies

    1 syrian or 2 russian dwarf hammies

    i have kept syrian hamies all my life and even bred them before i am now thinking about getting 2 russian dwarf hammies i dont really mind what i get what do you think i should get !!! =)
  21. Replies

    which home theater system to choose?

    Denon S-302 and BoseŽ LifestyleŽ 28 Series III, which one do you feel the better choice for home theater system? or some other better home theater system could you recommend? please give me...
  22. Replies

    questions for stereo equipment?

    can you recommend several types or brands of stereo equipment with the great sound quality? I want to buy a home-used stereo equipment or hi-fi but dont have much idea for that. Could you give me...
  23. I could get rid of the car and use public...

    I could get rid of the car and use public transport
  24. Can anyone who works for The Container Store tell me how much is the starting

    salary for a Sales Position? I applied for the container store and I had the phone interview and now I have an group interview this coming week. pls tell me more if you work for this company! ...
Results 1 to 24 of 25
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