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Type: Posts; User: Kylie

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  1. Replies

    Money Grubby Waiter? Should I complain?

    On new years eve,

    me and a friend went to this restaurant/wine/bar. Okay music. I ordered a Custard desert $8.50 and a lemon drop. The dessert was good but the lemon drop tasted too sour and...
  2. Replies

    What can I do about being against veal?

    I'm no vegetarian and I may sound like a hypocrite but do you know what veal is? It is a baby cow, a baby cow that is locked in a pitch black room for a week before being butchered. That to me is...
  3. How did Roger Williams and England benefit from building Rhode Island?

    How did they benefit from founding/building the colony?
  4. Replies

    If they do, then get a different movie ticket and...

    If they do, then get a different movie ticket and sneak in, or just have a parental unit walk in to say its okay... I know that the second one is dorky but it does work... :-)
  5. Should I be concerned about this? I think I may be seriously sick.?

    I have had a high temperature for the past 3 days. All over 100* F. It started 3 days ago when I woke up throwing up. It felt as though I was going to throw my stomach up. Even when my stomach was...
  6. I know this isn't what you are looking for but...

    I know this isn't what you are looking for but patience is a vertue... lol... have fun with your phone!
  7. Replies

    is smoking realy bad?

    i smoke at least a pack a day. wat are all the bad things about smoking? nd would it be better if i smoked less, like half a pack?
  8. Replies

    Working out with a bike?

    If i work out with a bike 2 times a day for 60 min will it make me loose weight faster ?
  9. LOL - Probably within the last week, funnily...

    LOL - Probably within the last week, funnily enough to my 2 1/2 year old daughter - she thinks she rules the world - i had news for her - i do!
  10. Replies

    Hiking a live volcano in Indonesia?

    I want to hike a live volcano in Indonesia. Can you suggest what is the best location. I need to get there from Jakarta for a weekend trip.

    What is the fastest way to get there (eg flying) and...
  11. Replies

    they had pretty much the same body style from the...

    they had pretty much the same body style from the 50's to the 70's when they stopped making them for the american market.The styling probably actually continued when they continued making them for...
  12. Fish troubles. HELP! Tank Size, Fish Breed.?

    About 6 months ago I got 2 little feeder fish from the over-crowded pet store tank. They were the tiniest little things ever. I placed them in a 2 gallon tank with plants and a hideout. Now, 6 months...
  13. Who makes a cuter couple??? Pics included!!?

    One couple met in high school, have been friends for 6 yrs and just began dating a week ago. The other pair met in college and have been friends for 3 years, and get along amazing.

  14. ARE REALLY controlling and... ARE REALLY controlling and're smothering her....give her a little room to breathe.

    You need to back off, if you stand any chance of keeping her in your life.

    Give her...
  15. How come when I import an avi file to Sony Vegas I can only see audio? Divx works,...

    ...but it makes it really slow? Does anyone have anything besides DivX that can make avi files work in Sony Vegas that doesn't slow down the program?
  16. How come when I import an avi file to Sony Vegas I can only see audio? Divx..., but it makes it really slow? Does anyone have anything besides DivX that can make avi files work in Sony Vegas that doesn't slow down the program?
  17. Replies

    female- angelina jolie or jessica alba male-...

    female- angelina jolie or jessica alba
    male- brad pitt
  18. My dad is friends with a guy named Brian...

    My dad is friends with a guy named Brian Bozworth, like the football player.
  19. nothing

  20. What do you people think? Did he just not notice or did he do it intentionally?

    Did he really not notice or was he doin it intentionally?touching me there?

    I went to this shop to buy some cheap boots, and this guy was showing me the boots from the top shelf and while...
  21. Do you think there is anything wrong about being Lesbian or gay?

    I personally don't have a problem with it.But some of my friends do.Like come on,who cares whether you're bi,gay or straight people need to except you for who you are not what sex you're with....
  22. She's gonna have to learn...just like you did. ...

    She's gonna have to learn...just like you did.

    Besides, you'll have something in common to talk about when she comes back.
  23. Was he trying to ask me out?What do you guys think? ?

    I have met this friend of my cousin (who lives at my place but on the other floor) like once or twice. so yesterday i was like standing outand i saw them coming towards the house. since i was busy on...
  24. Little sisters usually think their big brothers...

    Little sisters usually think their big brothers are Big Time Heroes!

    Don't disillusion her!
  25. Replies


    Ok, I am currently taking part of the religion known as confused. I've been researcging different websites about many different religions trying to form my own oppinion about wether not there are...
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