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Type: Posts; User: TBeventert

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  1. is it safe to mix MSM and Cortaflex (joint supplements)?

    My horse is 18 and has arthritic hocks, we get them injected but like to extend it as long as possible since it is quite an expense on top of boarding him and shoes and lessons. He used to be on MSM...
  2. Kennel attendant position- questions they may ask?

    Hey everyone!!!
    So I am applying for a kennel attendant position at a local boarding/training facility. I was wondering what kind of questions they would be asking me.. and what the appropriate...
  3. "when i get a new pair of full seat breeches i...."?

    what do you do? anything special to "loosen them up"?

    please don't answer if your planning on saying something along the lines of "english is stupid, switch to western" or if you don't have a clue...
  4. Replies

    too much weight vs. riding level?

    so i know the 20% rule when it comes to how much weight a horse can carry, and that generally QH's and arabians cobs (and the like..) are better at handleing weight, and that the confimation,...
  5. best way to cool a horse off/keep a horse cool?

    so, i do the night check/last feed/barn closing tonight, and i wanted to go through and cool all the horses down before i left since its 93* and 58% humidity and they are stuck in their stalls until...
  6. Replies

    fat french link bit?

    so i'm looking for "the perfect bit" for my horse.. (you might have seen my previous question..)

    usually i ride in a D ring happy mouth snaffle..

    and today i tried my horse in a D ring french...
  7. Replies

    not liking a breed issues?!?

    is it THAT BAD to not like a specific breed?!

    i answered a question about "whats your favorite and least favorite breed" or something like that. and i stated that i liked TB's (but you all know...
  8. Replies

    lessons orr...?

    what do you think when it comes down to owning/keeping your horse, or being able to take consistant lessons?

    what do you think is more important?
    AND if you we're planning on buying a horse, (and...
  9. Replies

    pro. choice boots and jumping..?

    i'd like to use the Professional’s Choice SMB Elite boots on my horse for the extra protection they offer, but wouldn't they interfere with jumping?

    just wondering if they do or not..

  10. hock injections?! anyone whos had them done?

    so today my horse got his hocks injected, i was there but had to leave to go to school and never got to ask a question..
    i have to go and cold hose and standing wrap his legs tonight, but i only...
  11. dint cross your reins over her neck, that's just...

    dint cross your reins over her neck, that's just confusing for them. but how are you pulling her reins? pull out-ish to your knee instead of your pull your rein, add you leg at...
  12. Replies

    horse boots for eventing?

    so i'm still not happy with the boots i'm using on my horse. He interfers alot in the back, and not a whole lot in the front. I would also like something with support since he's 16. i am training...
  13. Replies

    conformation! tb, (good pics!)?

    just check out this link and critique my horses conformation!
    Hes, a OTTB gelding... guess his age if you don't already know [=...
  14. it looks like you a little ahead of the motion,...

    it looks like you a little ahead of the motion, but it also looks like you got a weird distance.. or your horse jumps weird.. something about the jump.. not necessarily you.
    you also could pull your...
  15. Replies

    jumping-after the jump.?

    why is it that this horse, after coming off the jump, ducks his/her head really low for a stride

    and this one, while jumping higher, doesn't?...

    its not that hard to go to horsetopia,,...
Results 1 to 16 of 16
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