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Type: Posts; User: Digz

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  1. What does NHS stand for.. Please be more specific...

    What does NHS stand for.. Please be more specific and i'll edit my answer
  2. Replies

    Good Vacation spot here in the US?

    I want to take a trip with my husband and kids ages 4 and 6... Where would be a good place to go here in the US?
    They already went To Disney World this summer...where would be somewhere as much fun?
  3. Replies

    Where to go on a 7 day trip?

    I want to take a trip somewhere... I live in CT, I have 2 kids so the place has to be kid friendly. They are 4 and 6, so they shouldn't be too bad if the trip there is a tad long.. I don't know where...
  4. don't know what codpieces are but ok... I would...

    don't know what codpieces are but ok... I would like the dresses from the 60s to come back, the go go style dresses, those are cute.. I was born in 83 so i never got to wear one..
  5. Replies

    None, they are both fattening and disgusting......

    None, they are both fattening and disgusting...
    KFC charged me twice for one meal and when i went to tell them, they told me they couldn't give me my money back, so i just get another order... The...
  6. Replies

    None, they are both fattening and disgusting......

    None, they are both fattening and disgusting...
    KFC charged me twice for one meal and when i went to tell them, they told me they couldn't give me my money back, so i just get another order... The...
  7. Replies

    None, they are both fattening and disgusting......

    None, they are both fattening and disgusting...
    KFC charged me twice for one meal and when i went to tell them, they told me they couldn't give me my money back, so i just get another order... The...
  8. Replies

    None, they are both fattening and disgusting......

    None, they are both fattening and disgusting...
    KFC charged me twice for one meal and when i went to tell them, they told me they couldn't give me my money back, so i just get another order... The...
  9. Are sore breast a sign of PCOS? more symptoms?

    I have all the other symptoms for PCOS, plus sore breast... Is this normal? what are the chances i have PCOS? I have high levels of glucose, insulin, high cholesterol, I didn't get my period this...
  10. Replies

    test your math knowledge? Trivia Quiz?

    Here's a fun short trivia quiz:
    Winner gets 10 points and the IQ results from this test.. Good luck!

    1. Write 49% as a decimal.

    2. Change 73% to a fraction in lowest terms.

    3. 17 is 4% of...
  11. Replies

    If i sold my husbands Harley Davidson?

    He bought it on April 2008.
    It's Harley Davidson sportser, 2005
    he paid almost $6,000
    He invested in it and now it's chromed out, with blue lights around it so people can see him at night... Is it...
  12. Deep pain in middle of chest feels like needle? Help?

    I have pain in the middle of by chest, right between my boobs. It feels like pressure, and a small needle pricking me deep in there. What is it? How do i make it go away? It gets dull and then it...
Results 1 to 12 of 13
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