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Type: Posts; User: KimberlyP

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  1. Replies

    Do I have a yeast infection?

    Okay I am not sexually active, and recently there has been a nasty odor coming from down there and I've been having a lot of discharge and "its" itchy. I have read about treatments for yeast...
  2. What makes your tire sit out past fender, your tire size or the offset of the rim?

    In other words, if my tire is sticking out just a little too much and it is scraping, can't I purchase a rim with a smaller offset and most likely mount it on the same tire and fix the problem?
  3. Car is scraping in rear, are my tires too big or the rim?

    I have some 18-inch rims on my Acura Legend. My tire size is 225x40x18. Since I put them on my car, the back end is rubbing when I hit bumps or have weight in the car. Is my tire size too big or...
  4. cant find the answer to this riddle can someone help me?

    A man fell out of a building and he was 5 stories high.He didn't get hurt or die.There wasn't anything to slow him down or cushoin his fall.How did he survive the landing?"
  5. My iPod songs don't play all the way to the end. How can I fix this?

    When I download the songs and listen to them on my PC, they play all the way but when I put them on my iPod they don't play all the way. I read on a forum that there was a way to fix this but it was...
  6. If I ordered my phone from Verizon Saturday night, will I get the phone Monday?

    I ordered the phone Saturday night before 12 and I paid for overnight shipping and I received an email Sunday saying that the phone was already shipped out. Will I receive the phone Monday?
  7. 1. Female, 16 2. Pennsylvania, US 3. I have...

    1. Female, 16
    2. Pennsylvania, US
    3. I have access to the internet in my house
    4. Usually go online after school and on the weekends
    5. 4, everyone
    6.probably almost 25 hours a week
    7. I use...
  8. Replies

    Try calling your Internet provider.Maybe your PC...

    Try calling your Internet provider.Maybe your PC is the problem.
  9. i had it 3 times and each time i got it i had no...

    i had it 3 times and each time i got it i had no bad side effects
  10. Replies

    how to connect internet to wii?

    when i put my web address it doesnt take it even though i know its right since i personally called my internet provider for the code

    and it says i can have a wired connection, so i went to the...
  11. Where Can I Find A Free Contract For Selling Puppies?

    I am selling a puppy and need a binding contract between buyer and seller
  12. Replies

    i dont not know if they have them there but you...

    i dont not know if they have them there but you should go to Golden Coral, its a great resturant, with a hugeeeeee buffet. forreal.
    and for some good entertainment go to one of the shows there....
  13. Replies

    i dont not know if they have them there but you...

    i dont not know if they have them there but you should go to Golden Coral, its a great resturant, with a hugeeeeee buffet. forreal.
    and for some good entertainment go to one of the shows there....
  14. Replies

    i think you should try to style it like nick...

    i think you should
    try to style it like nick jonas hair (:

    can you please answer my ! (:
  15. Replies

    i think you should try to style it like nick...

    i think you should
    try to style it like nick jonas hair (:

    can you please answer my ! (:
  16. How can i rearrange the icons on my Apple IPod Touch 2g?

    I think I saw that you can do that, I just can't figure out how?
  17. i had a razr but i dropped it in water and it broke now im getting a blackberry 7290

    willits sim card fit? in the blackberry 7290 ? thanksss
  18. Replies

    Is Love Real?

    Love Hurts
Results 1 to 18 of 18
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