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Type: Posts; User: roman

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  1. Format Hard drive without losing windows or Office?

    So I bought a laptop off of ebay and long story short I need to return it.The only problem is I added personal files to the computer and I need to return it exactly how I got it.

    Part of the...
  2. What has the UK Labour Party/ Government said in relation to the recent Gaza...

    ...conflict? Have Brown or Milliband said anything about creating a viable palestinian state? What official statements did they make about the conflict in Gaza? and the Israel/ Palestine conflict...
  3. Replies

    Fish: A Memoir of a Boy in a Man's Prison?

    I live in Henderson, NV and cannot find this book in any public libraries. PLz PLZ PLZ help. If you can tell me where I can check a copy out.
  4. Does the HTC touch HD have an ambient light sensor like the iphone?

    Does the HTC touch HD have an ambient light sensor like the iphone?
  5. 2003 Pontiac grand am is it possible to change from automatic to standard?

    I was wondering just like the question asks if there are kits or shops that will change the car from automatic to standard. If it is done about how much does it cost and does anyone know of where I...
  6. Replies

    BitTorrent client downloads lost . . . ?

    I had tons of downloaded stuff and it all disappeared from my BitTorrent client! All of the downloaded torrents/files ARE STILL in my DOWNLOADS folder! I want to SEED the files I downloaded! I tried...
  7. wireless pen/sunglasses/watch camera from

    In website ,we find many spy camera, for example wireless pen, sunglasses,watch camera ,hat camera,tie camera in very good wholesale price. We can say this is best...
  8. Planning to buy a video game console (Playstation 3 or Wii) - Need advice?

    We (30 year old couple, no kids) are planning to buy a video game console

    We have basically shortlisted Wii and PS-3. However, we are not sure which one to go for. Is it true that Wii is more...
  9. what can I provide a Company investor with as receipt for his investment in...

    ...return for a future investor agmt? I have an investor in my limited company who has already handed me a cheque in return for equity.
    However he hasn't signed the investor agreement yet as he...
  10. Replies

    HTC Touch Raphael Verizon Release Date?

    Hey guys,
    I heard that the HTC Touch Diamond and HTC Touch Raphael/pro are coming to Verizon... Any word on the release date?
  11. same one as before.. its not an extended date.....

    same one as before.. its not an extended date.. just a duplicate.
  12. Is there a movie where a sister dresses up her brother in girl cloths?

    So she pretty much dresses him like a girl. When he grows older he still dresses like a girl. And later he gets murder because some men that he sleeps with discovers he is really a man.
  13. i have a Samsung SGHT429 and the buttons quit working i was wonderin if there...

    ...was any way i could fix it...? i dropped it alot so maybe that was a problem, idkk???
Results 1 to 13 of 13
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