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Type: Posts; User: Charlotte

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  1. How Can I Promote My Youtube Channel Without Spamming?

    My Youtube name is: Charlotte Dytor.
    Hi guy, I would love to get more recognition for my Youtube channel, but I feel bad if I spam other peoples channels. Is there anyway I could get recognition...

    i would go through the pictures on these sites and see...
  3. Replies

    Trouble with parents?

    I know it's late, and most aren't going to want to deal out information to just another teenage girl going through adolescence, but I'm really desperate and need advice. I love my mother dearly and...
  4. Replies

    Is this lame, or is it just me?

    so, as everyone knows, valentines day is vastly approaching. i am 16 years old, almost 17, and in a bit of a slump. i have never really liked valentines day. it has always seemed a little to...
  5. Replies

    Don't get either of them, save up for a nano....

    Don't get either of them, save up for a nano. Cheap MP3's are really crap and shuffles break really easily, nanos have come down in price, just save up
  6. I have a red spot just below my eye and its very itchy. I have a cold aswell.... it impetigo? ? I have had Impetigo before last year but i cant remember how it started so please could someone tell me if i have it. I only have one red spot under my eye i dont have any in...
  7. ipod touch keep switchin itsself on as soon as i switch it off ?

    why is tis n how can i stop it as its usin up alot of battery ?
  8. I really need help with this question thanks ?

    why do i get different values when

    1. i measure a circuit with a meter(practical)

    2. i measure the same circuit on mulitisim and use a meter which is on the software(theory)

    the values are...
  9. Replies

    both equally s h i t e

    both equally s h i t e
  10. haha lol that was a good one!

    haha lol that was a good one!
  11. What is a good way to convince my Dad to let me have a hamster?

    I have wanted to get a hamster for a little while now. As a family, we have a dog, and my sister has a rabbit. When we went to the pet shop earlier my Mam let me buy a book on hamsters and ask the...
  12. What are YOU asking for for the holidays (ex Christmas)?

    Any age, whatever you are asking for, I am very curious to know what people are asking for. I personally am asking for Uggs and a Northface Jacket.
  13. Replies

    lg renior flash too bright?

    has anyone got a Lg renoir? does anyone else think that the flash is so bright that the images are all way too white? how can i fix this?
  14. Stalker

  15. Replies

    is the apple iphone any good?

    is it easy to get used to using?? and is txting easy or is it slow???
    how much is it?? in € please??
  16. What is my ideal weight, and how can I reach it?

    I'm turning 14 this Saturday, I'm 5'1" and 86 pounds (I'm a girl). I would like to know what my ideal weight is, and how I can reach it.
  17. Replies

    Is this normal behavior for a gay man?

    I am attracted to my best friend. He is a gay boy, I am a straight girl.

    Okay, so, we've been friends forever and I tell myself he's gay he's gay he's gay, but then everytime I see him I'm in love...
  18. you should make a pop-out card with some kind of...

    you should make a pop-out card with some kind of origami thing in there. And in big bold letters write something like "HAPPY BIRTHDAY (your brother's name)"
    Also have a pocket and give him some...
  19. She has problems, and she's looking for an easy...

    She has problems, and she's looking for an easy target to take out all her anger on. Don't take it personally.
  20. Replies

    my cat has fleas anyone help?

    And we think we might have them how do we completly get rid of them and stop the cat from getting them again and bringin them in the house?
  21. Samsung m8800 pixon with 8mp n touch screen?

    when is it avalible to buy. And how much is it going to be not on contract.????
  22. The samsung megapixel camera touch phone ?

    How much is it not on contract but on pay as you go also when is it avalible to buyin the uk and where is the best place to buy it ??

  23. how can i get the sound to work on the internet?

    it works fine when i play music on media player but when i go on you tube it plays the videos with no sound.
  24. Does pearlizing in a fish tank hurt the plants or fish? ?

    I know it's caused by air and O2 along with other gases, but what does it do? What's the purpose of it and Is it harmful to the plants or fish in the tank?
  25. I have a Nokia 6300 but I need more memory?

    What phone has great memory for photos and music.
    The memory isn't great on this.
    I have 27 songs - 108mb
    and 4.8mb of photos and it's telling me memory full
    What should I upgrade to?
    Thanks in...
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