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Type: Posts; User: Golden

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  1. Small meals often and nothing that comes out of a...

    Small meals often and nothing that comes out of a plastic packaging,cardboard packaging or a tin AVOID at all costs Low Fat health products.
  2. why? have you heard somethig? they never have...

    why? have you heard somethig? they never have before, they are centered in southern asia, and the middle east.

    as for what the new President would do, i would hope he would act rationally and...
  3. why? have you heard somethig? they never have...

    why? have you heard somethig? they never have before, they are centered in southern asia, and the middle east.

    as for what the new President would do, i would hope he would act rationally and...
  4. why? have you heard somethig? they never have...

    why? have you heard somethig? they never have before, they are centered in southern asia, and the middle east.

    as for what the new President would do, i would hope he would act rationally and...
  5. this is what to expect. this is fort jackson. ...

    this is what to expect. this is fort jackson.
  6. Politician

  7. Politician

  8. i agree with nighthawk on this. yes real. and i...

    i agree with nighthawk on this. yes real. and i too think they just on a different tack. i mean, so far they've put at least two men in the presidency. and cheney has virtually rewritten the...
  9. Replies

    What Religion Gives Equality To Women?

    Hindu??... Christianity???... Judaism????.... Islam??... Buddhism???... Shamanism????.... Other???????????????????????????????????????????
  10. Replies

    playstaion3 internet problem?

    im trying to use my internet but it just seems not to work. i have internet service threw my cable com. (comcast). i pluged in that cable that came with the system from my modem that produces...
  11. i just bought a ps3 but my internet wont work. i have internet threw

    comcast my cable provider ? help
  12. either that or you become insufferably uptight...

    either that or you become insufferably uptight about cheaters and join law enforcement.
  13. Replies

    Keep the rabbit then!

    Keep the rabbit then!
  14. if it was my son, i'd be counseling him on extra...

    if it was my son, i'd be counseling him on extra warm underwear for the trip. this is his flight from the nest, don't cripple him before he jumps. this is one of the most important father-son issues...
  15. D.V.L.A google it

    D.V.L.A google it
  16. it's $39 (or $49, i forget) an hour for assembly...

    it's $39 (or $49, i forget) an hour for assembly line. not a bad wage.
  17. Barack is a student of Lincoln, and his methods. ...

    Barack is a student of Lincoln, and his methods. Lincoln was an honest man, elected to bring order out of chaos in tumultuous times. that's exactly why we elected Obama.let's all hope Barack can do...
  18. Which religion would you say is the most disliked by people not of its faith... America? in your opinion
  19. it's understandable. mccain always called abe a...

    it's understandable. mccain always called abe a young whipper snapper.
  20. you guys just won't drop this. makes you look...

    you guys just won't drop this. makes you look pretty bad. it's another larry sinclair strory. Barack Obama has released his birth certificate, did it last June. if you're really that interested,...
  21. How do I start Windows Internet Explorer 8 after im finished downloading it ?

    I've downloaded it but i dont know how to start it , because i cant find it.
  22. heh, i hear what your saying. of course we need...

    heh, i hear what your saying. of course we need a man with experience. john mcSame has absolutely no experience with the US Constitution and yet there are some fools out there that want him to lead...
  23. heh, i hear what your saying. of course we need...

    heh, i hear what your saying. of course we need a man with experience. john mcSame has absolutely no experience with the US Constitution and yet there are some fools out there that want him to lead...
  24. kool

  25. Replies

    yes, this last seven, nearly eight years has been...

    yes, this last seven, nearly eight years has been one of the darkest times in america in a long time. worse even then bush senior's tenure. worse than ron reagan's for crying out loud.

    it's been...
Results 1 to 25 of 32
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