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Type: Posts; User: tLaiz

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  1. Replies

    Is there anyone out there?

    I admire the concept of the story, but you are going in the wrong direction as far as telling it.Don't be in such a rush to tell it. The opening was engaging (who doesn't wait for the final bell,)...
  2. Thread: help with labor?

    by tLaiz

    help with labor?

    the longer you wait the older the placenta gets. mabey see if another DR can help you.good luck
  3. Replies

    what should i do talk to him or not?

    just talk too him.
  4. When your at work , what do you look forward to.?

    I look forward to the boss leaving for other chores he needs to attend to.
  5. Where should i take my 7 yr old for a summer vacation?

    It depends on how far you want to travel, how much you haveto spend, and then what kinds of things he is interested in. And consider yourself too. If you are not having fun he willknow that. Make it...
  6. Traveling with dog from CA, USA to Manila, Philippines?

    I don't know about dogs...but here's my logic--if a car is given to me, do you think customs will not charge me taxes? I wish there would be some loopholes I know.
  7. Replies

    Do you read the introductions in books?

    Always. But if it is a classic with a modern intro I leave it to last because it usually has plot spoilers.
  8. Which gender do you think is the pickiest when it comes to looks of the opposite sex?

    Men --- by a mile. Because all they see is the outside package & thats all their concerned with.
  9. Replies

    iphone or pink blackberry pearl?

    my mom has the pearl and my dad the iphone. personally the peark. its light weight and cute! the i phone doesnt hve texting abilities either.
  10. Replies

    spanish translation,please help?

    Here it is and good trip!Estare solicitando mi passaporte esta semana y voy a comprar un seguro para auto en Mexico por Internet. Necesito saber exactamente que dia nos vamos a Mexico y que parte de...
  11. Replies

    my mom said don't go to mexico?????

    That depends on how you travel and where you go.Mexico has a high rate for kidnappings, rapes and murders as well as a combination thereof. US natizens are particularly vulnerable, especially in the...
  12. Replies

    Do you think I should have more fun?

    have fun
  13. Does anyone ever stop to think that if they are coming here for advice then they are really screwed?

    I give honest answers.'blind leading the blind'...isnt that what one gets with thier collegues also?are you a doctor? :) lol
  14. this guy is making me so sad whta should i do?

    dats hard to help i guess u gotta move on and find a new guy to really iz hard to trust guys i know what u are talkin about,but there are a few guys u can trust and they will treat u right...
  15. What is there to do for vacationers in Texas?

    We are planning on going on vacation to Texas this year for about a week. Is there anything to do there in August?
  16. Obama takes his family on vacation for Muhammed's Birthday?

    wow...what a coincidence huh?...what a guy...celebrating his mentors b day without anyone knowing ...
  17. Replies

    Best Friend Troubles?

    no your not wrong....Its your should tell your friend that its enough to have her bf to come but you really don't want his friend to come too since you have a bad history and youd...
  18. Help!! I want to visit Panama soon but......?

    You need to see the site below. If you do not go to remote regions, your not likely to have a problem.
  19. Replies

    is grand theft auto IV on the PS3 any good?

    We can't really say, since the game isn't out yet. Both versions will have exclusive downloadable content, however, PS3s Blu-ray offers more space and PS3 is more powerful. Time will tell.
  20. Replies

    is grand theft auto IV on the PS3 any good?

    If you're into the GTA series then you'll like it.PS3 must haves are COD4, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Men, Uncharted.
  21. Replies

    PS3 GB information?

    I believe I have told you this before, when you get for this example a 40GB hard drive, some of that (usually about 7%) is used for programming and other software saving as well as 40 is a rounded...
  22. Is there sumthin wrong with my ps3? 5 STARS 4 BEST AWNSER!!!?

    the only prob i see is that you bought a ps3. just about everything made by sony is a p.o.s.
  23. What are some places where they sell ps3 80 gb new?

    please give links
  24. im about to buy a game console and i need advice between xbox360 and ps3?

    You can honestly do more with the PS3 than you can with XBOX. You can add a lot of accesories to the XBOX to try to keep up with the PS3, but you are just trying to keep up. You can get an HD player...
  25. im about to buy a game console and i need advice between xbox360 and ps3?

    X Box because better games and alot more funner than ps3 (not as fun as the wii)
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