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Type: Posts; User: someguy

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  1. Replies

    720p tv with a 1080p blue ray player?

    I have a 720p samsung tv. If i buy a 1080p blue ray dvd player will it upgrade the tv picture to 1080p? It will probably just play the movie in 720p right?
  2. Will this phone work with T-Mobile, will it have WiFi calling?

    I broke my T-Mobile phone and need a new one. Will this one work with T-Mobile (and get 4g) and will it have the WiFi calling feature? I need WiFi calling since that is the only way to get phone...
  3. Replies

    Are sport bikes easier to ride than enduros?

    As far as handing while going down the highway, turning, etc. Seems like enduros are harder because the tires are skinnier & so is the bike itself.. am I wrong? Are enduros the hardest bike to start...
  4. Replies

    Which supplement is best for fighters?

    which do you think is the best for muay thai/boxing or mma?

    Any other supplements that are good would be...
  5. The War of the Beard: Abe Lincoln or Charles Darwin?

    Who wins

    1) most awesome
    2) most fluffy
    3) most inspiring
    4) Overall

    1-10 ratings please
  6. no, i dont hate them

    no, i dont hate them
  7. Replies

    Is it normal to wake up confused?

    For example, I frequently when waking up grab the tv's remote control to turn of the light.

    I must turn of the light manually!!!! It has no remote!!

    I always wake up in some sort of weird...
  8. I've been noticing an insatiable hunger lately?

    I have not always been very active and this week I've exercise every day, a lot.

    However, the amount of poop has not increased. The hunger is unbelievable and It was sudden. Why?
    Ive never been...
  9. Did I ruin this friendship or am I thinking too hard?

    Lil long but I met this girl in one of my classes and we began talking quite a bit in fact some times very late at night on facebook/texting and when school started back up we went out to lunch and...
  10. Dan "The Beast" Severn

    Dan "The Beast" Severn
  11. Its good but make sure your instructor is of good...

    Its good but make sure your instructor is of good quality.
    Also set aside time for conditioning or you will gas out during training. Also do you have any wrestling in your game? You need wrestling...
  12. Who would you like to see the UFC add to its roster of fighters?

    Biggest list wins;)
  13. supercharger on Acura RSX w/ auto trans. w/ sport shift?

    does anyone know if it would be a good idea to install a supercharger on an acura rsx base model with an automatic transmission w/ sport shift? or if a turbocharger would be as good or a worse idea....
  14. Replies

    Are you anti text messaging?

    I've talked to people that are totally against text messaging because they say that text messaging is lazy. The better thing to do is to call the person.
  15. Replies

    Can I still grow if I take hormones?

    I dont know if Im sick or something.

    Im 21, with a small body frame, small penis, small hands, baby face and high pitched voice.

    For example my hand size is about 6.5 inch = 165.1 millimeter...
  16. Megan Fox

    Megan Fox
  17. Buy ufc 94 as a first. That's going to be a GREAT...

    Buy ufc 94 as a first. That's going to be a GREAT card. Order food like pizza, chicken wings, and whatever your friends like.
  18. What were some of Nostradamus Predictions?

    Can you name some of the predictions, and which ones are supposedly come true? Can you try giving me a site? Thanks.
  19. Replies

    Is mma popular in Brazil?

    Just wondering, since most of the best fighters are from Brazil. Is mma big there? And how well are the the fighters known like Anderson Silva, Wanderlei Silva, And Shogun Rua? Thank you.
    Also I...
  20. What extra curricular activities should I take up so in the future I might

    be able to go to MIT? What clubs, activities should I go to to have a chance to be accepted to MIT( particularly for engineering). Also what type of grades should I get, SAT scores, and overall how...
  21. Best find out which specific sensor/sensors...

    Best find out which specific sensor/sensors before you waste a lot of money. A typical car today has many sensors so find out which one before you start replacing parts.
  22. What do you think uses more strategy boxing or mma?

    I'm interested to see an argument between the mma guys on the martial arts section and the guys on the boxing section to get an unbiased answer. I'm asking this on the boxing AND martial art section,...
  23. How UFC can be more respectful or more like PRIDE?

    Ok I won't doubt UFC has a huge impact on mma and many other things but I have a few problems with it. PRIDE was based more on respect and they had better fans (my opinion) and you don't see crowd...
  24. Replies

    its a tie , i hate both miley cyrus and britney...

    its a tie , i hate both miley cyrus and britney spears
  25. Replies

    Is mma popular in Japan?

    I'm looking for people who have been there. If some one won would it be the talk of the town? Do people know the names of the fighters?
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